Lachlan and Sarah Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch put his son Lachlan in charge of Fox. It was a dangerous mistake.

“The most-watched news channel in America has become, since the fall of its powerful founder, Roger Ailes, much more like the Trump White House: a family business where it’s not entirely clear who is in charge… Since the powerful Mr. Ailes was ousted amid a sexual harassment scandal in 2016, the network seems more and more like an asylum in the firm control of its inmates.”

Donald Trump in Arizona

“Today we are switching our coverage of Donald Trump to an emergency setting”

“Refusing to go with live coverage. Suspending normal relations with his White House. Always asking: is this something we should amplify? A focus on what he’s doing, not on what he’s saying. The truth sandwich when we feel we have to highlight his false claims. This is what you can expect now that our coverage has been switched to an emergency setting.”
