Shelley Kloba
Shelley Kloba speaking at the 2015 Eastside Democratic Dinner (Photo: Andrew Villeneuve/NPI)

Kirk­land City Coun­cilmem­bers Shel­ley Klo­ba and Dave Ash­er have each earned new four year terms on the Kirk­land City Coun­cil, ear­ly results show.

In the race for Posi­tion #2, Klo­ba is win­ning big against Chin­chilla, who appar­ent­ly isn’t even a Kirk­land res­i­dent. He vot­ed in Wal­la Wal­la last Novem­ber, and yet he still came out ahead of a real local in the Top Two election.

But that does­n’t mat­ter now. Klo­ba has clob­bered him. She has a whop­ping 63.07% of the vote, which is pret­ty com­mand­ing. Chin­cil­la has 36.45%.

Shel­ley Klo­ba is one of the ris­ing pro­gres­sive stars of the East­side. She cam­paigned with a ton of local and Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty endorse­ments, and

Ash­er, mean­while, is get­ting a two-thirds vote of con­fi­dence from Kirk­land res­i­dents (66.75%). His oppo­nent, peren­ni­al can­di­date Mar­tin Mor­gan, did­n’t wage much of a cam­paign, leav­ing Ash­er free to lend his sup­port to Kloba’s campaign.

Tonight, they both have a lot to celebrate.

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