Posted inPolicy Topics

An ethnolinguistic view of King County’s evolution over the last two hundred years

King Coun­ty is a place that encom­pass­es not just land but the sto­ries of diverse lives that have shaped its past and con­tin­ue to shape its present and future. Nes­tled in the heart of Wash­ing­ton state, King Coun­ty holds with­in its bound­aries the bustling metrop­o­lis of Seat­tle, a city known not only for the icon­ic Space Nee­dle but also for its role as a melt­ing pot of cul­tures, ideas, and histories.

Posted inElections

Right wing looking for a way to defeat Ohio reproductive rights constitutional amendment

The Buck­eye State will vote Novem­ber 7th on Issue 1, an amend­ment to the Ohio Con­sti­tu­tion which pro­claims: “Every indi­vid­ual has a right to make and car­ry out one’s own repro­duc­tive rights.” The deci­sions include con­tra­cep­tion, fer­til­i­ty treat­ment, con­tin­u­ing one’s own preg­nan­cy, mis­car­riage and abortion.”