Posted inElections

Lisa Herbold, Tammy Morales within striking distance of Shannon Braddock, Bruce Harrell

Late bal­lots are once again cre­at­ing intrigue in Seat­tle City Coun­cil races, for the sec­ond cycle in a row. Although incum­bent Bruce Har­rell (run­ning in Dis­trict 2) was ahead by a com­fort­able mar­gin on Elec­tion Night, he and Dis­trict 1 can­di­date Shan­non Brad­dock (long­time chief of staff to Coun­ty Coun­cilmem­ber Joe McDer­mott) have seen their […]

Posted inOur Environment, Policy Topics, World Commmunity

President Barack Obama announces his administration has rejected Keystone XL

Flanked by Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and Sec­re­tary of State John Ker­ry, Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma announced today that his admin­is­tra­tion has — after a lengthy and repeat­ed­ly delayed review process — reject­ed oil giant Tran­sCanada’s appli­ca­tion to build the Key­stone XL pipeline across the U.S.-Canada bor­der. “Now, for years, the Key­stone [XL] Pipeline has occupied […]