Posted inElections

Washington State will likely set a new record low for general election turnout this year

As of this evening, it’s been one week since Elec­tion Night 2015, and the num­ber of bal­lots still await­ing pro­cess­ing by coun­ty elec­tions offi­cials has dwin­dled to less than thir­­ty-three thou­sand statewide. Turnout cur­rent­ly stands at 37.44%, and it looks like it will end up under forty per­cent, well below Sec­re­tary of State Kim Wyman’s […]

Posted inElections

Lisa Herbold, Shannon Braddock separated by only six votes in Seattle’s District #1

Talk about a razor-thin race: In the con­test for Seat­tle City Coun­cil, Dis­trict #1, Top Two final­ists Lisa Her­bold and Shan­non Brad­dock are now sep­a­rat­ed by a mere six votes — out of over twen­­ty-two thou­sand cast! That’s a mar­gin of one house­hold. Take a look at the num­bers fol­low­ing the lat­est tab­u­la­tion: City of […]