COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
COVID-19 (Coronavirus; CDC graphic)

While the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is pur­chas­ing 500 mil­lion rapid tests to dis­trib­ute free to the pub­lic in response to the rise of the Omi­cron vari­ant of COVID-19, gov­ern­ments in the Pacif­ic North­west have decid­ed to acquire their own supply.

The state of Ore­gon has autho­rized the pur­chase of twelve mil­lion rapid at-home COVID-19 tests, to be dis­trib­uted for free through­out the state.

Six mil­lion iHealth Labs anti­gen rapid tests were were pur­chased on Wednes­day, Decem­ber 29th. Tests will be dis­trib­uted to com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions, which will dis­trib­ute in turn to indi­vid­u­als, fam­i­lies and larg­er applic­a­ble groups.

There has­n’t been such a large-scale attempt to pro­vide COVID-19 test kits since April of 2020, when Wash­ing­ton attempt­ed to pur­chase one mil­lion Chi­nese test swab kits. Pre­lim­i­nary sam­ples, how­ev­er, showed that there was poten­tial con­t­a­m­i­na­tion in the prod­uct and there was no fur­ther dis­cus­sion by state offi­cials regard­ing the pur­chase after that.

King Coun­ty, mean­while, ordered one hun­dred thou­sand rapid at-home COVID-19 tests, to be dis­trib­uted for free as of the week of Jan­u­ary 10th, 2022, in response to long lines at test­ing facil­i­ties, A min­i­mum of three hun­dred thou­sand tests in total will be pur­chased, and more will be pur­chased if deemed necessary.

Ida­ho has had free at-home tests avail­able to all res­i­dents via call­ing 211 since mid-June of this year, but these are not rapid at-home tests.

As in much of the rest of the Pacif­ic North­west, there is a short­age through for-prof­it facil­i­ties such as phar­ma­cies of rapid at-home COVID-19 tests.

British Colum­bia, as of Decem­ber 26th, is the only province with­in Cana­da that has decid­ed to not pro­vide rapid at-home COVID-19 tests.

Here’s where to go in Wash­ing­ton State, Ore­gon, Ida­ho and British Colum­bia to get a COVID-19 test if rapid at-home tests are unavail­able to you.

The hard, cold numbers (plus vaccinations)

Wash­ing­ton has had 853,403 cas­es and 9,908 attrib­ut­able deaths.

The state has the forty-sev­enth worst infec­tion rate among the fifty states, the Dis­trict of Colum­bia and Puer­to Rico per mil­lion in population.

The state has the forty-sixth worst death rate among the fifty states, the Dis­trict of Colum­bia and Puer­to Rico per mil­lion in population.

9,842,443 tests have been recorded.

  • Dos­es of vac­cine dis­trib­uted to the state: 13,915,795
  • Dos­es admin­is­tered: 11,268,717 (80.98%)

Ore­gon has had 421,263 cas­es and 5,655 attrib­ut­able deaths.

The state has the fifti­eth worst infec­tion rate among the fifty states, the Dis­trict of Colum­bia and Puer­to Rico per mil­lion in population.

The state has the forty-fifth worst death rate among the fifty states, the Dis­trict of Colum­bia and Puer­to Rico per mil­lion in population.

8,512,999 tests have been recorded.

  • Dos­es of vac­cine dis­trib­uted to the state: 7,953,005
  • Dos­es admin­is­tered: 6,193,364 (77.87%)

Ida­ho has had 319,382 cas­es and 4,162 attrib­ut­able deaths.

The state has the twen­ty-third worst infec­tion rate among the fifty states, the Dis­trict of Colum­bia and Puer­to Rico per mil­lion in population.

The state has the thir­ty-fourth worst death rate among the fifty states, the Dis­trict of Colum­bia and Puer­to Rico per mil­lion in population.

2,451,107 tests have been recorded.

  • Dos­es of vac­cine dis­trib­uted to the state: 2,741,310
  • Dos­es admin­is­tered: 1,881,077 (68.62%)

British Colum­bia has had 251,054 cas­es and 2,420 attrib­ut­able deaths.

5,073,751 tests have been recorded.

British Colum­bia has the sixth worst infec­tion rate and the sixth worst death rate among the thir­teen Cana­di­an provinces and ter­ri­to­ries per hun­dred thou­sand pop­u­la­tion. (If it were an Amer­i­can state, it would be fifty-third and fifty-third, respec­tive­ly, out of fifty-three.)

  • Dos­es of vac­cine dis­trib­uted to the province: 10,185,982
  • Dos­es admin­is­tered: 9,368,643 (91.98%)

That does it for this install­ment of COVID-19 Update. Stay safe and well!

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