Posted inPublic Service

King County Council unanimously appoints David Frockt to be Scott White’s successor

Seat­tle’s 46th leg­isla­tive dis­trict has a state sen­a­tor again! Fol­low­ing last Thurs­day’s joint meet­ing between the 46th Dis­trict Democ­rats and the King Coun­ty Democ­rats, where Rep­re­sen­ta­tive David Frockt was over­whelm­ing­ly select­ed as the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty’s top choice to suc­ceed the late Scott White, the King Coun­ty Coun­cil has unan­i­mous­ly vot­ed to act on the rec­om­men­da­tion, appointing […]

Posted inPublic Service

David Frockt likely to be Scott White’s successor as the senator from the 46th LD

The King Coun­ty Democ­rats’ exec­u­tive board (on which I sit) vot­ed last night to adopt and for­ward a list of names to the King Coun­ty Coun­cil to fill the vacan­cy left by Sen­a­tor Scott White, who recent­ly died at the age of forty-one of car­diac arrest due to an enlarged heart, which unfor­tu­nate­ly had gone […]

Posted inElections

John Stokes widens lead over Aaron Laing to one hundred and sixty nine votes

A few min­utes ago, King Coun­ty Elec­tions post­ed updat­ed results for the gen­er­al elec­tion, the last time the depart­ment will do so this week (tomor­row is Vet­er­ans’ Day, and no tab­u­lat­ing is done on week­ends). While there’s no earth-shat­ter­ing news to report, the num­bers did slight­ly shift, as usu­al. Of course, even lit­tle shifts mat­ter a […]

Posted inElections

With I‑1125 defeated, we can now add another entry to Tim Eyman’s Failure Chart

Thanks to vot­ers, Tim Eyman’s Fail­ure Chart has just become more impres­sive. As long­time read­ers know, we main­tain a page over at Per­ma­nent Defense which serves as a com­pendi­um of Tim Eyman’s record of spon­sor­ing ini­tia­tives. We call it Tim Eyman’s Fail­ure Chart because most of Tim’s ini­tia­tives — like I‑1125 — have been failures. […]

Posted inElections, Unscheduled Programming

Spokane County turns against Tim Eyman’s I‑1125; NO vote strengthening statewide

What was that about I‑1125 being “too close to call”? Now that most of Wash­ing­ton’s thir­­ty-nine coun­ties have released updat­ed returns with fresh­ly tab­u­lat­ed bal­lots, we can project even more con­fi­dent­ly that Tim Eyman’s I‑1125 is head­ed down to defeat. A sec­ond coun­ty, Spokane, has now flipped from the Yes col­umn to the No col­umn, only […]

Posted inElections

Jessica Greenway making a comeback in Kirkland, after starting out behind

Don’t count incum­bent Kirk­land City Coun­cilmem­ber Jes­si­ca Green­way out just yet. Though she start­ed out some dis­tance behind her chal­lenger (for­mer state leg­is­la­tor Toby Nixon) last night, Green­way has closed the gap today and now trails by only two hun­dred and ten votes. If this trend con­tin­ues, she may pull ahead of Toby before the week […]

Posted inElections, Policy Topics, Public Planning

For the first time in years, Port Commission will remain unchanged after an election

If last night’s ear­ly elec­tion returns are any indi­ca­tion, the five-mem­ber leg­isla­tive body that gov­erns the Port of Seat­tle is going to remain unchanged in the wake of this year’s elec­tion — the first time that has hap­pened in a long time. Incum­bent Com­mis­sion­ers Bill Bryant and Gael Tar­leton, who each oust­ed incum­bents back in 2007, […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Bellevue City Council races looking good for progressives; Laing/Stokes contest is close

One of the bright spots for pro­gres­sives in tonight’s elec­tion appears to be the Belle­vue City Coun­cil races, which were hot­ly con­test­ed, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the last few weeks. Incum­bents John Chelmini­ak (run­ning for Posi­tion 3), and Clau­dia Bal­duc­ci (run­ning for Posi­tion 5), are both doing very well. Chelmini­ak has 67.80% of the vote; his oppo­nent Michelle […]

Posted inElections, Unscheduled Programming

Flynn and Carson have hefty lead in Redmond City Council race

In the first of  just two con­test­ed Red­mond City Coun­cil races, Tom Fly­nn has a sig­nif­i­cant lead over his oppo­nent Joel Wright: Tom Fly­nn  56.56% Joel L. Wright 42.89% For a first time can­di­date, Fly­nn ran a strong cam­paign, gar­ner­ing the endorse­ment of four of the sev­en cur­rent city coun­cil mem­bers. In the sec­ond race, […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Results mixed in Whatcom and Spokane

Both Spokane and What­com Coun­ty have released the first wave of their elec­tion returns to unclear results, with many of the races too close to com­fort­ably call. For the may­oral race in Belling­ham, it seems that for­mer 42nd Dis­trict leg­is­la­tor Kel­li Linville has tak­en the lead by about 400 votes; we’ll see if that lead is […]

Posted inElections

Early returns are close, but it looks like Tim Eyman’s I‑1125 is headed down to defeat

FROM ANDREW: Good evening and hel­lo from Fado in Seat­tle! Grace, Eve, and I are mon­i­tor­ing and track­ing elec­tion results from the NO on I‑1125 par­ty, where peo­ple are in a pret­ty good mood. That’s because, for the moment, it looks like Tim Eyman’s I‑1125 is nar­row­ly head­ed down to defeat. Thank good­ness! As of  around […]

Posted inElections

I‑1183 passing easily; Costco appears to have succeeded in buying the election

Good evening from Seat­tle! Near­ly all the coun­ties that have report­ed elec­tion results so far show a fair­ly lop­sided out­come on Cost­co’s Ini­tia­tive 1183, which aims to dereg­u­late and pri­va­tize the state’s liquor sys­tem. As of 8:50 PM, the yes vote stood at 59.74%, while the no vote stood at 40.26%. The results look fairly […]