Posted inElections

Mississippi’s war on women failing

As of a few min­utes ago, Mis­sis­sip­pi’s dra­con­ian Ini­tia­tive 26, which defines a wom­an’s fer­til­ized egg as a per­son, is fail­ing by 60% to 40% with 42 per­cent of the precincts report­ing. Under this pro­posed law, a mis­car­riage could prompt a poten­tial crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into the death of “the per­son”. Women who are raped and […]

Posted inElections

Ohioians voting overwhelmingly to restore collective bargaining rights for public workers

Good news out of Ohio tonight: It looks like Repub­li­can Gov­er­nor John Kasich and his pals’ plot to strip the Buck­eye State’s pub­lic work­ers has been resound­ing­ly halt­ed in its tracks in a major pro­gres­sive vic­to­ry. As of around 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacif­ic, Ohioians were over­whelm­ing­ly vot­ing down Issue 2, a ref­er­en­dum on Senate […]

Posted inElections

News networks call Kentucky gubernatorial race for Democrat Steve Beshear

It was­n’t a close race: Demo­c­rat Steve Beshear trounced Repub­li­can David Williams and inde­pen­dent Gate­wood Gal­braith Tues­day to win anoth­er four-year term as Kentucky’s gov­er­nor. Beshear, who made an unlike­ly polit­i­cal come­back in 2007 after los­ing a bid for gov­er­nor in 1987, rolled to vic­to­ry tout­ing his job-cre­a­tion efforts and his han­dling of the state […]

Posted inElections

Tim Eyman to crash Costco’s election night party tonight at the Seattle Westin

Demon­strat­ing once again that he is appar­ent­ly inca­pable of orga­niz­ing his own elec­tion night par­ty for him­self and the gazil­lions of sup­port­ers that he claims to have, every­body’s favorite ini­tia­tive prof­i­teer Tim Eyman has  (for the umpteenth year in a row), claimed anoth­er cam­paign’s elec­tion night par­ty spot as his own… while dis­hon­est­ly mak­ing it […]

Posted inAnnouncements, Elections

It’s Election Day — don’t forget to vote!

It’s Elec­tion Day! After many long months, this year’s cam­paign sea­son is final­ly on the verge of being over. As all of Wash­ing­ton’s thir­­ty-nine coun­ties are now vote by mail, there won’t be any polls open today, though sev­er­al acces­si­ble vot­ing cen­ters will be open for those who need help cast­ing bal­lots. If you are […]

Posted inElections

Department of Licensing failed to turn over voter registrations, Secretary of State says

Wash­ing­to­ni­ans who recent­ly reg­is­tered to vote using the Depart­ment of Licens­ing’s web­site may not have actu­al­ly been added to the rolls, the Sec­re­tary of State’s office dis­closed today in a late after­noon media advi­so­ry. The Depart­ment of Licens­ing, which issues dri­ver’s licens­es, vehi­cle licens­es, and boat licens­es, allows vot­ers to request that their vot­er registration […]

Posted inElections

Where are the Election Night parties going to be tomorrow night? Here’s a guide

With Elec­tion Night 2011 now less than twen­­ty-four hours away, most cam­paigns run out of King Coun­ty have firmed up their elec­tion night par­ty plans. The fol­low­ing is the list we’ve com­piled from announce­ments col­lect­ed over the past few days. We’ll update the list as we get more announce­ments. Note that this list only includes […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Policy Topics

A day of action: Progressives across the country use Bank Transfer Day to go bankless

As reg­u­lar read­ers know, we at NPI have been long­time cham­pi­ons of mem­ber-owned cred­it unions, par­tic­u­lar­ly since the eco­nom­ic col­lapse of Sep­tem­ber 2008 and the sub­se­quent bank bailout. NPI’s staff and board belong indi­vid­u­al­ly to dif­fer­ent cred­it unions, and NPI itself is a cred­it union mem­ber. NPI became part of Amer­i­ca’s cred­it union move­ment well […]

Posted inElections

Washington students defeat Tim Eyman’s I‑1125, Costco’s I‑1183 in mock election

This after­noon, Sec­re­tary of State Sam Reed’s office announced the results of the annu­al mock elec­tion it con­ducts in schools across Wash­ing­ton State. Stu­dents in grades five through twelve were asked to weigh in on this year’s crop of bal­lot mea­sures, which includes Tim Eyman’s I‑1125, Cost­co’s I‑1183, and SEIU’s I‑1163. Stu­dents respon­si­bly reject­ed the […]

Posted inElections

Slimy Kemper Freeman mailer misleads voters

Kem­per Free­man must have a lot to lose on Elec­tion Day. A cam­paign mail piece that he sent to Belle­vue vot­ers this week, smear­ing pro­gres­sive city coun­cil can­di­date John Stokes, reeks of des­per­a­tion. Free­man had a dif­fi­cult time find­ing filth to throw at Stokes, who is run­ning against Freeman’s cho­sen can­di­date, Aaron Laing, so he […]

Posted inElections, Policy Topics, Public Planning

Keep Washington Rolling launches final NO on I‑1125 television ad, starring State Treasurer

Keep Wash­ing­ton Rolling, the broad coali­tion fight­ing to defeat Tim Eyman’s Ini­tia­tive 1125, has launched its final tele­vi­sion ad of the cam­paign, with Elec­tion Day only a few hun­dred hours away. The spot, titled “Too Cost­ly”, stars State Trea­sur­er Jim McIn­tire, who ably sum­ma­rizes the con­se­quences of Tim Eyman’s lat­est scheme. “As State Trea­sur­er, I rarely […]

Posted inElections

Zack Hudgins to run for secretary of state; Craig Pridemore to run for auditor

Two Demo­c­ra­t­ic leg­is­la­tors, one from the House and one from the Sen­ate, announced with­in hours of each oth­er this morn­ing that they’ve decid­ed to run for statewide posi­tions in 2012, enlarg­ing the field of can­di­dates who are seek­ing to make the jump to high­er office in what promis­es to be fair­ly excit­ing year. State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Zack […]