Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Bellevue City Council races looking good for progressives; Laing/Stokes contest is close

One of the bright spots for pro­gres­sives in tonight’s elec­tion appears to be the Belle­vue City Coun­cil races, which were hot­ly con­test­ed, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the last few weeks. Incum­bents John Chelmini­ak (run­ning for Posi­tion 3), and Clau­dia Bal­duc­ci (run­ning for Posi­tion 5), are both doing very well. Chelmini­ak has 67.80% of the vote; his oppo­nent Michelle […]

Posted inElections, Unscheduled Programming

Flynn and Carson have hefty lead in Redmond City Council race

In the first of  just two con­test­ed Red­mond City Coun­cil races, Tom Fly­nn has a sig­nif­i­cant lead over his oppo­nent Joel Wright: Tom Fly­nn  56.56% Joel L. Wright 42.89% For a first time can­di­date, Fly­nn ran a strong cam­paign, gar­ner­ing the endorse­ment of four of the sev­en cur­rent city coun­cil mem­bers. In the sec­ond race, […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Results mixed in Whatcom and Spokane

Both Spokane and What­com Coun­ty have released the first wave of their elec­tion returns to unclear results, with many of the races too close to com­fort­ably call. For the may­oral race in Belling­ham, it seems that for­mer 42nd Dis­trict leg­is­la­tor Kel­li Linville has tak­en the lead by about 400 votes; we’ll see if that lead is […]

Posted inElections

Early returns are close, but it looks like Tim Eyman’s I‑1125 is headed down to defeat

FROM ANDREW: Good evening and hel­lo from Fado in Seat­tle! Grace, Eve, and I are mon­i­tor­ing and track­ing elec­tion results from the NO on I‑1125 par­ty, where peo­ple are in a pret­ty good mood. That’s because, for the moment, it looks like Tim Eyman’s I‑1125 is nar­row­ly head­ed down to defeat. Thank good­ness! As of  around […]

Posted inElections

I‑1183 passing easily; Costco appears to have succeeded in buying the election

Good evening from Seat­tle! Near­ly all the coun­ties that have report­ed elec­tion results so far show a fair­ly lop­sided out­come on Cost­co’s Ini­tia­tive 1183, which aims to dereg­u­late and pri­va­tize the state’s liquor sys­tem. As of 8:50 PM, the yes vote stood at 59.74%, while the no vote stood at 40.26%. The results look fairly […]

Posted inElections

Mississippi’s war on women failing

As of a few min­utes ago, Mis­sis­sip­pi’s dra­con­ian Ini­tia­tive 26, which defines a wom­an’s fer­til­ized egg as a per­son, is fail­ing by 60% to 40% with 42 per­cent of the precincts report­ing. Under this pro­posed law, a mis­car­riage could prompt a poten­tial crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into the death of “the per­son”. Women who are raped and […]

Posted inElections

Ohioians voting overwhelmingly to restore collective bargaining rights for public workers

Good news out of Ohio tonight: It looks like Repub­li­can Gov­er­nor John Kasich and his pals’ plot to strip the Buck­eye State’s pub­lic work­ers has been resound­ing­ly halt­ed in its tracks in a major pro­gres­sive vic­to­ry. As of around 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacif­ic, Ohioians were over­whelm­ing­ly vot­ing down Issue 2, a ref­er­en­dum on Senate […]

Posted inElections

News networks call Kentucky gubernatorial race for Democrat Steve Beshear

It was­n’t a close race: Demo­c­rat Steve Beshear trounced Repub­li­can David Williams and inde­pen­dent Gate­wood Gal­braith Tues­day to win anoth­er four-year term as Kentucky’s gov­er­nor. Beshear, who made an unlike­ly polit­i­cal come­back in 2007 after los­ing a bid for gov­er­nor in 1987, rolled to vic­to­ry tout­ing his job-cre­a­tion efforts and his han­dling of the state […]

Posted inElections

Tim Eyman to crash Costco’s election night party tonight at the Seattle Westin

Demon­strat­ing once again that he is appar­ent­ly inca­pable of orga­niz­ing his own elec­tion night par­ty for him­self and the gazil­lions of sup­port­ers that he claims to have, every­body’s favorite ini­tia­tive prof­i­teer Tim Eyman has  (for the umpteenth year in a row), claimed anoth­er cam­paign’s elec­tion night par­ty spot as his own… while dis­hon­est­ly mak­ing it […]

Posted inAnnouncements, Elections

It’s Election Day — don’t forget to vote!

It’s Elec­tion Day! After many long months, this year’s cam­paign sea­son is final­ly on the verge of being over. As all of Wash­ing­ton’s thir­­ty-nine coun­ties are now vote by mail, there won’t be any polls open today, though sev­er­al acces­si­ble vot­ing cen­ters will be open for those who need help cast­ing bal­lots. If you are […]