Posted inEducation, Legislative Advocacy

Returning to 2/3rds rule an attack on our colleges

Last week when Tim Eyman’s I‑1053 was declared uncon­sti­tu­tion­al there was much cheer­ing and rejoic­ing across the state of Wash­ing­ton, not least through the halls of Face­book and Twit­ter. Many of these voic­es were stu­dents at our uni­ver­si­ties, who have seen more than 1.4 bil­lion cut from our state high­er edu­ca­tion sys­tem since 2009, increased […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Education, Legislative Advocacy

Students won’t stay silent on high tuition

I lob­bied on Mon­day. That may not seem like much, see­ing as hun­dreds of peo­ple did the same thing on the exact same day. But see­ing as I’m a stu­dent at a uni­ver­si­ty, for some, it might be a big thing indeed. I was there with 59 oth­er West­ern Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents who met with more than 60% percent […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

LIVE: Van Jones at the Washington State Budget and Policy Center Conference

NPI live­blogs Jones speaks at the Bud­get and Pol­i­cy Cen­ter lunch, lay­ing out a vision nation­al­ly:  12:35 PM: “If your news sta­tion is named after a sneaky and preda­to­ry animals…you might ques­tion whether your news is fair and bal­anced.”  12:37 PM: “If we just stand our ground, we can final­ly bring the Rea­gan val­ues to […]

Posted inEducation, Healthcare, Our Environment

King (Err… Regent) Coal

A sign that nobody likes doing the wrong thing every sin­gle time, Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton Regent Craig Cole (a much-ref­er­enced-to coin­ci­den­tal last name)wrote an op-ed pub­lished in the Belling­ham Her­ald advo­cat­ing for increased fund­ing of our high­er edu­ca­tion sys­tem. Craig Cole is also the Pres­i­dent of Brown & Cole, Inc. and the spokesman for SSA […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Elections, Policy Topics

U.S. Representative Rick Larsen leads the charge to stop voter suppression

React­ing to laws mak­ing aim­ing to increase the dif­fi­cul­ty to vote since con­ser­v­a­tives took con­trol of  state gov­ern­ments in the 2010 midterm elec­tions, Con­gress­man Rick Larsen, along with 14 oth­er House Democ­rats, intro­duced a bill yes­ter­day to “com­bat vot­er sup­pres­sion efforts across the coun­try”. Only two of the cur­rent co-spon­­sors rep­re­sent a state which has enacted […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Elections, Our Environment, Policy Topics

Republicans mock Jay Inslee for supporting companies that are succeeding

Con­tin­u­ing to posi­tion them­selves as the unapolo­getic oppo­nents of any pol­i­cy direc­tion with the word “clean” in it (clean ener­gy, clean elec­tions), the Repub­li­can Par­ty has nee­dled Democr­tic guber­na­to­r­i­al can­di­date Jay Inslee for envi­sion­ing a clean ener­gy econ­o­my for Wash­ing­ton and for sup­port­ing clean ener­gy in his 2008 book, Apol­lo’s Fire. Accord­ing to them, every […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Healthcare

One of six proposed coal terminals in Washington and Oregon abandoned

Ask a polit­i­cal orga­niz­er in What­com Coun­ty, and it trends that they will tell you about how often they hear vot­ers ask about the pro­posed coal ter­mi­nal at Cher­ry Point, right out­side of Belling­ham. They get frus­trat­ed. Train tracks cut right through Belling­ham, and run along next to local busi­ness­es. Sit for a few hours […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Election Update: Whatcom, Spokane races

With a lit­tle more than 9,000 votes to count, it seems that What­com Coun­ty races have been decid­ed.  The real inter­est­ing race in What­com Coun­ty is inside the 42nd dis­trict. Matt Krogh is chal­leng­ing fresh­man Vin­cent Buys and Natal­ie McClen­don is chal­leng­ing Jason Over­street. Buys doesn’t have much of a record and Rep. Over­street doesn’t […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Economic Security, Elections, Policy Topics

What does Rob McKenna have against family planning?

Yes­ter­day, guber­na­to­r­i­al can­di­date Rob McKen­na post­ed on Cross­cut a vari­ety of state­ments on how to impair our state Med­ic­aid sys­tem, and chose to omit any sort of con­tent on how con­se­quences of those changes would affect our state. While blast­ing Med­ic­aid expansion(which, by the way, is in con­trast to how 67% of Amer­i­cans feel), Mr. McKenna […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Events, Live Coverage, Our Environment

LIVE from Providence: Saving Public Transportation: A Matter of Social Justice

Although it seems like the ear­ly after­noon (still on West Coast time), it’s as good a time as any to talk about the nation­al pat­tern on defund­ing pub­lic trans­porta­tion and tran­sit’s place as a social jus­tice issue. This pan­el was a reminder about work which is being done back in Wash­ing­ton state by the Transit […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Education, Events, Live Coverage

LIVE from Providence: Educational Opportunity & Economic Dignity

How is edu­ca­tion­al equal­i­ty linked to the eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion on the ground? I came to this dis­cus­sion between the Amer­i­can Fed­er­a­tion of Teach­ers and Ilyse Hogue of the Nation. Like many of the pan­els so soon after the Wis­con­sin recall, con­ver­sa­tion start­ed out about the attacks which have been made against unions, and the fact […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Events, Live Coverage

LIVE from Providence: Organizing Outside the Lines: Reaching Hard-to-Reach Communities On and Offline

“These are not the only peo­ple work­ing on these issues”, the mod­er­a­tor empha­sized at the begin­ning of the pan­el. In a packed ball­room hall, this pan­el attempt­ed to talk about ways to gen­uine­ly engaged groups that are not tra­di­tion­al­ly engaged. The mod­er­a­tor had to empha­size that “hard-to-reach” was in quotes, as com­mu­ni­ties which might be […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

LIVE from Providence: Collaboration, Not Co-Option: Labor, Community Organizations, and Occupy Wall Street Working Together

Wel­come to my first post from Prov­i­dence! Now it’s 10:30, and I’m sit­ting in a pan­el about how the Occu­py move­ment and more tra­di­tion­al pro­gres­sive groups can work togeth­er, in order to bet­ter cre­ate pos­i­tive change. Pan­elists first described where they were when they first heard about Occu­py Wall Street, and sto­ries emerged from the […]