With a 46% of the bal­lots count­ed in What­com Coun­ty and 56% of the vote in Spokane, the two chal­lengers in the House, Democ­rats Matt Krogh and Natal­ie McClen­don, have seemed to lost their bid to unseat Reps. Vin­cent Buys and Jason Overstreet.

They came up short in the pri­ma­ry, and unless a large surge of votes come in which are pri­mar­i­ly Demo­c­ra­t­ic, the 42nd will be solid­ly red rep­re­sent­ed. The most inter­est­ing thing about this race is that both of the candidate’s vote totals are almost exact­ly the same, both gar­ner­ing 46% per­cent in their races. Matt Krogh, as of tonight’s returns, only had six­teen more votes cast in his race than in Natalie’s, and it became appar­ent dur­ing the pri­maries that vot­ers thought of them as a pack­age deal. Here’s hop­ing they pull through, but it will be a pleas­ant surprise.

In Spokane, Andy Bil­lig hand­i­ly won the Sen­ate seat of retir­ing Major­i­ty Leader Lisa Brown, with a cur­rent mar­gin in the dou­ble-dig­its. Mar­cus Ricel­li, who was run­ning to replace Rep. Bil­lig, also hand­i­ly won his election.

Mod­er­ate Demo­c­rat Amy Biviano lost against gun-tot­ing Matt Shea in the so-red-it-bleeds 4th LD, and in the 6th LD in east­ern Wash­ing­ton, rep­re­sent­ed by Michael Baum­gart­ner, chal­lenger to Maria Cantwell, in the state sen­ate, Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­date Den­nis Dell­wo lost to Jeff Holy. 

In the 40th dis­trict, which includes Belling­ham, all Demo­c­ra­t­ic incum­bents hand­i­ly won reelec­tion, send­ing sol­id and stel­lar law­mak­ers back to the leg­is­la­ture to fight for the best future of our state.

None of these results are like­ly to change, and all are large­ly indica­tive of these can­di­dates per­for­mances dur­ing the pri­ma­ry. No sur­pris­es here, and even with some dis­ap­point­ments, our state will large­ly be served well by the rep­re­sen­ta­tives they have elect­ed to go to Olympia, because while (most) of east­ern Wash­ing­ton and north of Belling­ham will vote against what we need as a state, these areas haave also vot­ed in very ded­i­cat­ed indi­vid­u­als who will serve with our best inter­ests at heart. 

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