2023 candidates for the State House in Washington's 23rd Legislative District
Candidates Greg Nance, Leiyomi Preciado, Brynn Felix, Drayton Jackson, and John Gibbons pose for a photo during the counting of votes at the Kitsap County Democratic Central Committee's September 10th special nominating caucus; Chris Cancialosi had to step away and is not pictured (Photo: Andrew Villeneuve/NPI)

Today, the Kit­sap Coun­ty Demo­c­ra­t­ic Cen­tral Com­mit­tee ful­filled its con­sti­tu­tion­al duty to draw up a list of three names to fill the vacan­cy cre­at­ed by State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Drew Hansen’s move to the Wash­ing­ton State Sen­ate, choos­ing Brynn Felix, Greg Nance, and Leiy­o­mi Pre­ci­a­do as its nom­i­nees for the position.

Meet­ing at the Fil­ipino-Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion of Kit­sap Coun­ty, a spe­cial nom­i­nat­ing cau­cus of more than fifty Demo­c­ra­t­ic precinct com­mit­tee offi­cers (PCOs) from the 23rd Leg­isla­tive Dis­trict heard from a total of six can­di­dates inter­est­ed in the appoint­ment before cast­ing bal­lots to decide who the par­ty’s nom­i­nees would be.

The par­ty’s rules for vacan­cies spec­i­fy that lists of nom­i­nees be ranked, so PCOs took votes to deter­mine who would be ranked first, sec­ond, and third.

Brynn Felix, who was pre­vi­ous­ly nom­i­nat­ed by the par­ty for the coun­ty com­mis­sion vacan­cy that was filled by Chris­tine Rolfes and the State Sen­ate vacan­cy that was filled by Drew Hansen, won the ini­tial vote to be ranked first.

She’s hop­ing that the third time is the charm.

Felix is the gen­er­al coun­sel for Penin­su­la Com­mu­ni­ty Health Ser­vices, a fed­er­al­ly qual­i­fied health cen­ter serv­ing Kit­sap Coun­ty, Mason Coun­ty, and rur­al Pierce Coun­tA rty. She pre­vi­ous­ly clerked for Wash­ing­ton State Supreme Court Jus­tice Mary Yu and worked at the law firm of Lane Pow­ell as an asso­ciate. She has earned four degrees, includ­ing a law degree from Boston University.

Greg Nance — a marathon­er, youth men­tor, and self-described life­long con­ser­va­tion­ist — was ranked sec­ond by the PCOs after two fur­ther rounds of bal­lot­ing. He is the CEO of Run Far Foun­da­tion, “a non­prof­it build­ing youth resilience coast-to-coast,” and gar­nered nation­al atten­tion for run­ning across the coun­try sev­er­al years ago after recov­er­ing from alco­hol use dis­or­der. Nance was a nom­i­nee for the Kit­sap Coun­ty Com­mis­sion vacan­cy along with Felix and Rolfes.

Leiy­o­mi Pre­ci­a­do won the vote to be ranked third. Pre­ci­a­do is a cer­ti­fied peer coun­selor and com­mu­ni­ty advo­cate who has sur­vived domes­tic vio­lence, home­less­ness, and depres­sion. She is a proud transwoman of col­or who ran for Kit­sap Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­er last year. State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Tar­ra Sim­mons endorsed Pre­ci­a­do and offered intro­duc­to­ry remarks on her behalf. 

Three oth­er can­di­dates com­pet­ed in the spe­cial nom­i­nat­ing cau­cus: School board mem­ber Dray­ton Jack­son, state com­mit­teemem­ber Chris Can­cialosi, and John Gib­bons, the Pres­i­dent of the Wash­ing­ton State Den­tal Association.

The results of the five rounds of bal­lot­ing by the PCOs were as follows:

Round #1: First name on list of nominees
58 votes cast by PCOs

  • Brynn Felix: 36 votes
  • Greg Nance: 14 votes
  • Leiy­o­mi Pre­ci­a­do: 5 votes
  • Chris Can­cialosi: 2 votes
  • Dray­ton Jack­son: 1 vote
  • There were no votes for John Gibbons

Felix received an out­right major­i­ty of votes and accord­ing­ly, there was no run-off. 

Round #2: Sec­ond name on list of nominees
55 votes cast by PCOs

  • Greg Nance: 27 votes
  • Leiy­o­mi Pre­ci­a­do: 16 votes
  • Dray­ton Jack­son: 8 votes
  • Chris Can­cialosi: 4 votes
  • There were no votes for John Gibbons

No can­di­date received a major­i­ty, so a run-off was held between Nance and Preciado. 

Round #3: Sec­ond name on list of nom­i­nees (run-off)
57 votes cast by PCOs

  • Greg Nance: 34 votes
  • Leiy­o­mi Pre­ci­a­do: 23 votes

Round #4: Third name on list of nominees
56 votes cast by PCOs

  • Leiy­o­mi Pre­ci­a­do: 31 votes
  • Dray­ton Jack­son: 17 votes
  • Chris Can­cialosi: 7 votes
  • John Gib­bons: 1 vote

With­in the next few days or weeks, the three-mem­ber Kit­sap Coun­ty Com­mis­sion (Chris­tine Rolfes, will appoint either Felix, Nance, or Pre­ci­a­do to the Wash­ing­ton State House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives as Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Tar­ra Sim­mons’ new seat­mate. The com­mis­sion is expect­ed to inter­view all three nom­i­nees pri­or to mak­ing a selec­tion. The appointee will serve out the remain­der of Drew Hansen’s term, which will include the 2024 short leg­isla­tive ses­sion that begins in January.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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