Posted inMeta

Two decades! NPI celebrates twenty years of revolutionizing grassroots politics today

Since August 22nd, 2003, the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute has been work­ing from Wash­ing­ton, Ore­gon, and Ida­ho to expand free­dom and increase pros­per­i­ty for every­one in our region and beyond. Our insight­ful research and imag­i­na­tive advo­ca­cy have been and con­tin­ue to be a engine of progress in a dif­fi­cult peri­od in our his­to­ry… an age of insur­rec­tion, to quote from our friend David Neiwert. 

Posted inPolicy Topics

From pariahs to cultural icons: The Pacific Northwest has thankfully come to love orcas

Though they have been con­sid­ered rel­a­tives by the region’s Coast Sal­ish peo­ples since time immemo­r­i­al, it was­n’t that long ago that orcas were viewed neg­a­tive­ly by many non-indige­nous Pacif­ic North­west­ern­ers. NPI con­trib­u­tor Joel Con­nel­ly recounts how much has changed in the last half century. 

Posted inLegislative Advocacy

New fiscal dashboard proposed by NPI and Senator Kuderer goes live for Washingtonians

Pre­pared by the Leg­isla­tive Eval­u­a­tion and Account­abil­i­ty Pro­gram (LEAP) and the Office of Finan­cial Man­age­ment (OFM), the Bud­get­ing for Wash­ing­ton’s Future fis­cal dash­board pro­vides use­ful, truth­ful, and accu­rate infor­ma­tion about state rev­enue and expen­di­tures, as required by the leg­is­la­tion we cre­at­ed to get rid of Tim Eyman’s push polls.