Redmond City Council campaign logos
Campaign logos for four Redmond City Council candidates: Nate Niederhausern, Osman Salahuddin, Angie Nuevacamina, David Carson (Courtesy of the campaigns)

Vot­ers in NPI’s home­town of Red­mond are coa­lesc­ing behind sev­er­al can­di­dates to be the autumn final­ists in the only two coun­cil races that attract­ed mul­ti­ple can­di­dates, ini­tial Top Two elec­tion night results show.

For Red­mond City Coun­cil #1, the posi­tion held by Coun­cilmem­ber Var­isha Khan, who decid­ed not to seek anoth­er term, the clear fron­trun­ner is Osman Salahud­din, a staff mem­ber to King Coun­ty Coun­cilmem­ber Sarah Per­ry, who worked extreme­ly hard and gar­nered a whop­ping 66.83% of the ear­ly vote. That’s more than many incum­bents get! It’s cer­tain­ly a tes­ta­ment to Salahud­din’s work eth­ic, fundrais­ing prowess, and cam­paign organization.

“I have been for­tu­nate to call Red­mond home for near­ly all of my life,” Osman­’s cam­paign web­site says. “I’ve gone to school in the city, got­ten involved with local non-prof­its, and nav­i­gat­ed the growth that the city has under­gone in almost three decades. Red­mond has pro­vid­ed me count­less oppor­tu­ni­ties to suc­ceed, and I want to give back to the com­mu­ni­ty that has shaped me.”

“Hav­ing served as an elect­ed pub­lic ser­vant as Stu­dent Body Pres­i­dent at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton along with my cur­rent role serv­ing res­i­dents of Dis­trict 3 as staff mem­ber to King Coun­ty Coun­cilmem­ber Sarah Per­ry, I bring my own knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence that will be invalu­able in serv­ing the res­i­dents of Red­mond. I have seen first-hand just how much impact can be made at the local lev­el and I am pas­sion­ate about this oppor­tu­ni­ty to serve the City of Redmond.”

In sec­ond place is Nate Nieder­hausern, who has 17.71% of the vote.

“I am eager to rep­re­sent you on the Red­mond City Coun­cil,” he writes on his cam­paign web­site. “As a long­time res­i­dent for over twen­ty-five years, I have had the priv­i­lege to live and work in our thriv­ing community.”

“Microsoft ini­tial­ly brought me to Red­mond, and it became the place I chose to raise my fam­i­ly, with my chil­dren attend­ing Horace Mann Ele­men­tary, Red­mond Mid­dle School, and Red­mond High School. My pri­ma­ry focus as a pub­lic ser­vant will be to rep­re­sent you, the peo­ple of Red­mond, using a com­mon­sense approach to serve on your behalf. I firm­ly believe in pro­mot­ing bal­anced growth that pre­serves our com­mu­ni­ty’s char­ac­ter while ensur­ing eco­nom­ic opportunities.”

“I will work to see that we receive bet­ter val­ue for the tax­es we pay, and I am com­mit­ted to fos­ter­ing safe neigh­bor­hoods by col­lab­o­rat­ing with law enforce­ment and imple­ment­ing effec­tive strate­gies to keep us safe.”

In third place is Paul Stepanov, who has 15.1% of the vote.

“I have been a Red­mond res­i­dent for years as I am rais­ing my fam­i­ly here and my kids go to school in Red­mond,” his web­site says.

“I am an immi­grant from the for­mer Sovi­et Union and I have lived in Amer­i­ca for almost three decades know­ing that we live in one of the best places on Earth, yet we do have some issues to work on together.”

“As your City Coun­cil mem­ber, I want to bring more account­abil­i­ty and trans­paren­cy to the city gov­er­nance. At the same time I want to ensure that we all live in a safe, pros­per­ous and clean city. I will work with all city agen­cies equal­ly and respect­ful­ly. I am a law school grad­u­ate and also a small busi­ness own­er, and I am ready to bring my edu­ca­tion and expe­ri­ence to the City Council.”

Nieder­hausern prob­a­bly has the best chance of get­ting the sec­ond place spot in this race, but his lead over Stepanov isn’t robust enough for us to project with con­fi­dence what’s going to hap­pen. We’ll know more by the end of the week.

Here are the ini­tial results for Posi­tion #1:

Osman SalahuddinOsman Salahud­din

Non­par­ti­san | 3,992 votes

Nate NiederhausernNate Nieder­hausern

Non­par­ti­san | 1,058 votes

Paul StepanovPaul Stepanov

Non­par­ti­san | 902 votes


For Red­mond City Coun­cil Posi­tion #7, incum­bent David Car­son looks set to move on, with 40.73% of the ear­ly vote. Car­son has served mul­ti­ple terms on the Coun­cil and did­n’t have a prob­lem secur­ing reelec­tion in 2019.

But this year could be much tougher.

“David is a long-time res­i­dent of Red­mond as he and his wife Danielle moved to Red­mond after col­lege. David has worked in tech since he moved to the area, first in Prod­uct Sup­port, then Qual­i­ty Assur­ance for Microsoft, Ama­zon, and Get­ty Images amongst oth­ers, and now works to help busi­ness own­ers with their tech­nol­o­gy needs as well as launch­ing a bio-tech start­up,” his web­site says.

​“David grew up in south­ern Ore­gon and grad­u­at­ed from Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty with a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Busi­ness Man­age­ment. He enjoys cook­ing, watch­ing base­ball, and motor­cy­cle tour­ing. He serves as the Pre­sid­ing Offi­cer of the Parks and Envi­ron­men­tal Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Com­mit­tee, a mem­ber of the King Coun­ty Emer­gency Man­ag­ment Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee, a mem­ber of Red­mond’s Dis­abil­i­ty Board (for first respon­ders), and a board mem­ber of the Red­mond Police Foun­da­tion and the OneRed­mond Foundation.”

In sec­ond place is Ang­ie Nue­va­cam­i­na, who also looks like­ly to move on. She has 37.77% of the vote and trails Car­son by just one hun­dred and sev­en­ty-six votes.

“Ang­ie is seek­ing elect­ed office as she believes that the con­cept of Noth­ing About Us With­out Us is very rel­e­vant,” her web­site says.

“Red­mond is grow­ing in leaps and bounds. The vision is to cre­ate a more inclu­sive, wel­com­ing city that cre­ates a sense of belong­ing for all. As a sin­gle moth­er who’s iden­ti­ty is a  mul­ti-legged inter­sec­tion­al­i­ty of com­mu­ni­ties, she is able to bring a lived expe­ri­ence to City Coun­cil that cur­rent­ly does not exist.”

“Ang­ie’s top pri­or­i­ties as an elect­ed offi­cial are hous­ing, safe com­mu­ni­ties for all, and clear and trans­par­ent gov­ern­ment that sup­ports the thriv­abil­i­ty of both busi­ness­es and res­i­dents. She will be bring­ing a lens of equi­ty, a deep sense of integri­ty and account­abil­i­ty to her posi­tion, while con­tin­u­ing to be a bridge builder.”

In third place is Amit Gup­ta, who has 21.05% of the vote.

Gup­ta appears to have lost inter­est in run­ning his cam­paign, as he nev­er put up a web­site at the URL that he reg­is­tered,

But he did sub­mit a voter’s pam­phlet statement.

“I have been a Red­mond res­i­dents for near­ly 15 years and love our city. It’s been amaz­ing to see Redmond’s trans­for­ma­tion from a small town to a grow­ing city. How­ev­er, there are also new issues affect­ing qual­i­ty of life: pot­holes, traf­fic grid­lock, per­son­al safe­ty, urban plan­ning mis­steps, and low scale of com­merce in the com­mu­ni­ty,” the state­ment says. “As your coun­cil mem­ber, I will bring my busi­ness, man­age­ment, and cor­po­rate expe­ri­ences to solve these issues.”

“I will work with the com­mu­ni­ty to iden­ti­fy and fix qual­i­ty of life issues, pro­tect our envi­ron­ment, and make Red­mond more desir­able. I will work with busi­ness lead­ers to expand the tax base by increas­ing com­merce, and reduce the depen­dence on ever increas­ing prop­er­ty tax­es. This will keep seniors in their homes and make hous­ing afford­able for every­one. I will work tire­less­ly to ensure equi­ty and trans­paren­cy in gov­ern­ment oper­a­tions, and spending.”

Here are the ini­tial results for Posi­tion #7:

David M CarsonDavid M Carson

Non­par­ti­san | 2,417 votes

Angie NuevacaminaAng­ie Nuevacamina

Non­par­ti­san | 2,241 votes

Amit GuptaAmit Gup­ta

Non­par­ti­san | 1,249 votes


We’ll keep an eye on the con­test for Posi­tion #1 and will bring you an update if there hap­pens to be a lead change lat­er this week or next week.

Vot­ers in Red­mond will also be decid­ing who will lead the city as its next may­or this year. Incum­bent Angela Bir­ney is being chal­lenged by Coun­cilmem­ber Jeralee Ander­son. No one else filed, so that con­test is already set for the gen­er­al election.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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