Donald Trump
Donald Trump speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland.

The min­utes con­tin­ue to tick by and the pro­jec­tions con­tin­ue to roll in. Sort of.

News net­works tend to be skit­tish about call­ing a state for a can­di­date when there isn’t enough data to def­i­nite­ly indi­cate which way the vote is going to go, so many of the pro­jec­tions so far have real­ly been non-pro­jec­tions — in oth­er words, too close to call or too ear­ly to call.

As was not­ed pre­vi­ous­ly, Trump is pro­ject­ed to take Indi­ana and Ken­tucky; but now West Vir­ginia and South Car­oli­na have been called for him as well. He was expect­ed to win eas­i­ly in all those states. Indi­ana has backed the Repub­li­can nom­i­nee for the last few cycles, with the excep­tion of 2008, when Oba­ma nar­row­ly won it.

Ohio has joined the list of states too ear­ly to call. How­ev­er, Repub­li­can Sen­a­tor Rob Port­man is pro­ject­ed to have won reelec­tion, defeat­ing for­mer Demo­c­ra­t­ic Gov­er­nor Ted Strick­land, who did­n’t wage a very good campaign.

“Strick­land says he called Port­man to con­cede and “wish him well in rep­re­sent­ing the peo­ple of Ohio in the Sen­ate,” reports Burgess Everett.

Mean­while, in Flori­da, ear­ly tal­lied votes sug­gest good news for Hillary Clin­ton, but there’s a long night of count­ing ahead.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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