Posted inElections

Republicans nominate Dino Rossi, Toby Nixon, and Joel Hussey to succeed Andy Hill

The King Coun­ty Repub­li­can Par­ty has nom­i­nat­ed for­mer State Sen­a­tor Dino Rossi, Kirk­land City Coun­cilmem­ber Toby Nixon, and peren­ni­al leg­isla­tive can­di­date Joel Hussey to suc­ceed Andy Hill, per a tweet from Repub­li­can con­sul­tant Brett Bad­er, who we’re guess­ing attend­ed the par­ty’s nom­i­nat­ing meet­ing today. Rossi, fifty-sev­en has served mul­ti­ple stints in the Wash­ing­ton State Sen­ate and […]