Posted inBreaking News, Economic Security, Elections, Live Coverage, Policy Topics

President Obama arrives in Everett for first 2012 visit to the real Washington

Good morn­ing, every­one, and greet­ings from the Boe­ing plant in Everett, where Patrick, Eve, and I are wait­ing to be trans­port­ed to Paine Field and the fac­to­ry where the 787 Dream­lin­er is assem­bled on press bus­es. We’re here in Everett to cov­er the final leg of Pres­i­dent Oba­ma’s mid-Feb­ru­ary tour of the Left Coast, which […]

Posted inElections

Rick Santorum running ahead in Minnesota, Colorado caucuses… and the Missouri primary

After going more than a month with­out a vic­to­ry (or even a sec­ond place fin­ish, for that mat­ter) it looks like Rick San­to­rum will final­ly get to bask in the glow of vic­to­ry for a change. In two states that are hold­ing cau­cus­es tonight (Min­neso­ta and Col­orado) he is cur­rent­ly run­ning well ahead of his […]

Posted inElections, Events

President Obama’s schedule for February 17th Seattle visit begins to take shape

A few days ago, White House offi­cials let it be known that Pres­i­dent Oba­ma would be stop­ping in Wash­ing­ton State again for a mid-Feb­ru­ary vis­it. They did­n’t announce his itin­er­ary or sched­ule, but we fig­ured it would­n’t be long before the cam­paign began send­ing out invi­ta­tions to fundrais­ers with the Pres­i­dent. Yes­ter­day, the first invi­ta­tions began […]

Posted inElections, Party Politics

News networks project a Newt Gingrich victory in South Carolina Republican primary

If news net­works’ pro­jec­tions are to be believed, Newt Gin­grich has just won the 2012 South Car­oli­na Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry, mak­ing him the third can­di­date in the par­ty’s nar­row­ing pres­i­den­tial field to have won a nom­i­nat­ing con­test this month. As pun­dits on cable tele­vi­sion are not­ing, nev­er before have Iowa, New Hamp­shire, and South Car­oli­na Republicans […]

Posted inElections, Live Coverage

Mitt Romney projected to win New Hampshire’s Republican presidential primary

Although most precincts have yet to report in, the tra­di­tion­al media has already declared Mitt Rom­ney the win­ner of the 2012 Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry in New Hamp­shire… and Rom­ney has tak­en to the stage to deliv­er an arro­­gan­t­­ly-word­ed vic­to­ry speech filled with bold promis­es that he has no abil­i­ty what­so­ev­er to ful­fill, along with a generous […]

Posted inBreaking News, Elections, Party Politics

Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney win Iowa caucus

Fun­da­men­tal­ist Rick San­to­rum (a for­mer U.S. Sen­a­tor) and Repub­li­can estab­lish­ment favorite Mitt Rom­ney (a for­mer gov­er­nor) have pre­vailed in the first nom­i­nat­ing con­test of 2012, results released by the Iowa Repub­li­can Par­ty show. With 99% of the vote count­ed, Rom­ney and San­to­rum were almost exact­ly tied, sep­a­rat­ed by only a hand­ful of votes, while Ron […]

Posted inElections

Poll Watch: Tim Eyman’s I‑1125 and Costco’s I‑1183 will be close, respected poll indicates

For the last sev­er­al years, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton’s Cen­ter for Sur­vey Research has tak­en the pulse of Wash­ing­ton’s elec­torate each autumn, in the weeks lead­ing up to Elec­tion Day. The Cen­ter’s sur­vey, known as the Wash­ing­ton Poll, has suc­cess­ful­ly pre­dict­ed the out­come of many fierce­ly con­test­ed bal­lot mea­sures, includ­ing the defeats of I‑933 and […]

Posted inElections

President Obama arrives in Seattle for first (and maybe only) visit of 2011

Fol­low­ing a four and a half hour cross coun­try flight from Joint Base Andrews, Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma touched down in the real Wash­ing­ton late this morn­ing to begin a mul­ti-day Left Coast fundrais­ing tour. This is Oba­ma’s third offi­cial vis­it to the Ever­green State as Pres­i­dent; he made two trips out here last year (in August […]

Posted inElections

Schedule for September 25th presidential visit to Seattle starts to take shape

Although the White House has yet to offi­cial­ly con­firm that Pres­i­dent Oba­ma is com­ing to Seat­tle in two and a half weeks, we already have a pret­ty good idea of what his sched­ule will be like while he’s here. That’s because his cam­paign has been busy try­ing to inter­est local Democ­rats with at least $1,000 to […]