Posted inElections, Party Politics

Kim Wyman and Pam Roach’s SB 5978 won’t guarantee a meaningful presidential primary

Editor’s Note: Yes­ter­day, I trav­eled down in Olympia to tes­ti­fy before the House Gov­ern­ment Com­mit­tee on SB 5978, Kim Wyman and Pam Roach’s bill to replace our state’s pres­i­den­tial straw poll with an expen­sive, mean­ing­less straw poll in the event the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty decides to use a cau­cus to allo­cate its del­e­gates to the 2016 […]

Posted inElections, Party Politics

Senate backs Kim Wyman’s irresponsible plan to alter Washington’s presidential primary

A bill that would auto­mat­i­cal­ly replace Wash­ing­ton’s 2016 pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry with a mean­ing­less, fan­tas­ti­cal­ly expen­sive pres­i­den­tial straw poll if the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty refus­es to begin using the pri­ma­ry to allo­cate its nation­al con­ven­tion del­e­gates passed the Sen­ate with ease yes­ter­day evening fol­low­ing a bewil­der­ing floor debate. By a vote of thir­­ty-six to twelve, the Senate […]

Posted inElections

New England states called for Barack Obama; some southern states called for Mitt Romney

As expect­ed, Barack Oba­ma is pro­ject­ed to win in Mass­a­chu­setts, Con­necti­cut, Maine, Rhode Island, Delaware, and the Dis­trict of Colum­bia. Wins in those states, plus Ver­mont and his home state of Illi­nois (which he is also pro­ject­ed to win), would give Oba­ma a total of six­ty elec­toral votes. Mitt Rom­ney has picked up South Car­oli­na, Georgia, […]

Posted inElections

Virginia way too close to call

Hey every­one! I’m track­ing results and blog­ging live from my hum­ble abode, an Amer­i­can Uni­ver­si­ty dorm room in our nation’s cap­i­tal. CNN just released exit polls that have Vir­ginia in a dead 49%, 49% heat. North­ern Vir­ginia is the big swing area of the state. Both cam­paigns are look­ing to Loudon and Hen­ri­co coun­ties, as well […]

Posted inElections

Networks project Obama win in Vermont; Romney win in Kentucky and Indiana

Major tele­vi­sion net­works have now begun call­ing states in the East­ern time­zone for the two major pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates. Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma is pro­ject­ed to car­ry Ver­mont, which has three elec­toral votes. Inde­pen­dent Bernie Sanders (per­haps the nation’s most pro­gres­sive sen­a­tor) is also pro­ject­ed to win in his U.S. Sen­ate race. Mitt Rom­ney has won in […]

Posted inEvents, Live Coverage

Liveblogging the final presidential debate of 2012 from the great Pacific Northwest

Good after­noon, every­one. Tonight is debate night once again. In a few hours, Barack Oba­ma and Mitt Rom­ney will sit down with Bob Schi­ef­fer of CBS’ Face the Nation for a debate cen­tered on for­eign pol­i­cy at Lynn Uni­ver­si­ty in Boca Raton, Flori­da. If the last debate is any indi­ca­tion, the dis­cus­sion should be live­ly. We’ll be […]

Posted inElections

Poll Watch: 2012 Washington Poll finds Obama, Inslee, and marriage equality ahead

Moments ago, KCTS9, in coop­er­a­tion with the Cen­ter for Sur­vey Research at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton, released the results of this year’s Wash­ing­ton Poll. The Wash­ing­ton Poll is a wide­ly respect­ed elec­toral sur­vey direct­ed by Dr. Matt Bar­reto, who serves as an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor at the UW in Seat­tle. It is con­duct­ed annu­al­ly, and because […]

Posted inElections, Events, Live Coverage

Liveblogging the second presidential debate of 2012 from the great Pacific Northwest

Good evening, every­one. Tonight, as we all know, is pres­i­den­tial debate night. In less than an hour, Barack Oba­ma and Mitt Rom­ney will take the stage at Hof­s­tra Uni­ver­si­ty in Hemp­stead, New York for a town hall or town meet­ing style debate. The dis­cus­sion will be mod­er­at­ed by CNN’s Can­dy Crow­ley ; ques­tions will primarily […]

Posted inElections, Series & Special Reports

Ad Watch: Gubernatorial air war gets more intense; more campaigns go up on television

Wel­come back to Ad Watch, our newest spe­cial series, which is run­ning week­ly from now until elec­tion week. The pur­pose of this series is to attempt to cat­a­log, or index, the many cam­paign ads that are going up on tele­vi­sion (and some­times radio) to influ­ence elec­tions in the Pacif­ic North­west. In each install­ment, we’ll briefly […]

Posted inElections, Series & Special Reports

Ad Watch: Obama/Biden 2012 turns infamous Romney gaffe from secret video into an ad

Wel­come back to Ad Watch, our newest spe­cial series, which is run­ning week­ly from now until elec­tion week. The pur­pose of this series is to attempt to cat­a­log, or index, the many cam­paign ads that are going up on tele­vi­sion (and some­times radio) to influ­ence elec­tions in the Pacif­ic North­west. In each install­ment, we’ll briefly […]

Posted inElections, Events, Party Politics

RNC Postmortem: Republicans head home after last day of convention in Tampa, Florida

Yes­ter­day was the final day of the 2012 Repub­li­can Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Tam­pa, Flori­da. Here are a few part­ing thoughts on the con­ven­tion from The Seat­tle Times‘ Jim Brun­ner, The Stranger‘s Paul Con­stant, and oth­er jour­nal­ists who were in town cov­er­ing the con­ven­tion from a nation­al per­spec­tive. Paul Con­stant has an essay in The Stranger […]