Posted inParty Politics

LIVE from Seattle: Who will succeed Jessyn Farrell? Democratic PCOs selecting nominees

Good morn­ing from Lake City. I’m here at the Seat­tle Men­non­ite Church, where the Demo­c­ra­t­ic precinct com­mit­tee offi­cers of the 46th Leg­isla­tive Dis­trict are gath­ered to draw up a list of can­di­dates to suc­ceed Jessyn Far­rell, who recent­ly resigned from the state House to run for May­or of Seat­tle. Because Jessyn has quit the legislature […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Seattle rallies to celebrate the Sounders’ historic MLS Cup victory

After an ardu­ous elec­tion year with shock­ing results, Wash­ing­to­ni­ans were in des­per­ate need of a feel-good sto­ry to close out 2016. Cue the under­dog Sounders’ barn­storm­ing through the MLS Cup play­offs. The unex­pect­ed loss of the team’s two top scor­ers and mid-sea­­son fir­ing of head coach Sigi Schmid set the stage for a sto­ry­book turn-around that […]

Posted inElections, Live Coverage

30th Legislative District celebrates Democratic swing

Ten­sion was high at the joint elec­tion night par­ty for state House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives can­di­dates Kris­tine Reeves and Mike Pel­lic­ciot­ti. Democ­rats gath­ered as con­cern­ing pres­i­den­tial elec­tion results poured in pri­or to Wash­ing­ton poll clo­sure. Just before 8 PM, 30th LD Demo­c­ra­t­ic Chair Tim Burns round­ed up the 60 or so vol­un­teers and guests in a […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

Sound Transit inaugurates service on Angle Lake Link, bringing light rail to S. 200th Street

The com­mu­ni­ties of South King Coun­ty, and lead­ers from around the Puget Sound Region gath­ered this morn­ing in Seat­ac to offi­cial­ly inau­gu­rate ser­vice to and from Sound Tran­sit’s newest Link light rail sta­tion at South 200th Street and 28th Avenue South. Angle Lake is the first of sev­er­al new Link exten­sions approved and fund­ed under […]

Posted inElections, Events, Live Coverage

LIVE from Safeco Field: Bernie Sanders returns to Seattle for final rally on caucus eve

Good evening from Safe­co Field! It’s a beau­ti­ful spring evening here in Seat­tle’s SoDo neigh­bor­hood, where Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Bernie Sanders is mak­ing his final Ever­green State appear­ance ahead of Wash­ing­ton’s 2016 Demo­c­ra­t­ic precinct cau­cus­es. Sanders is hop­ing for a big vic­to­ry in Wash­ing­ton to demon­strate that Hillary Clin­ton does­n’t have the nom­i­na­tion locked up yet. […]

Posted inElections, Live Coverage

Democrat Carol Gregory trailing Republican Teri Hickel in hotly contested 30th LD race

In the 30th Leg­isla­tive Dis­tric­t’s $2 mil­lion con­test for State House, Demo­c­ra­t­ic incum­bent Car­ol Gre­go­ry is trail­ing first time Repub­li­can can­di­date Teri Hick­el by 1,035 votes, 53.92% to 46.08%. Gre­go­ry was appoint­ed to the seat fol­low­ing the death of State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Roger Free­man in 2014. Ear­ly results may be mis­lead­ing, as Gre­go­ry faced a sim­i­lar deficit […]

Posted inLive Coverage

Rent control in Seattle: Licata & Sawant make case at Town Hall debate

Edi­tor’s Note: The team at NPI is very pleased to wel­come Dominic Bar­rera to our staff. This is his first post for the Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate, con­cern­ing Mon­day’s forum on rent con­trol at Town Hall Seat­tle.  Fol­low­ing the release of Seattle’s con­tentious HALA (Hous­ing Afford­abil­i­ty and Liv­abil­i­ty Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee) report, a debate on poten­tial rent control […]