Super Tuesday word cloud
A Super Tuesday word cloud created by Epic Top 10 (

Good evening and wel­come to our cov­er­age of Super Tues­day 2024!

For those unfa­mil­iar with the moniker, Super Tues­day is a par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant occa­sion on the pres­i­den­tial elec­toral cal­en­dar. It is the day when the most simul­ta­ne­ous pri­maries and cau­cus­es are held out of the whole elec­tion cycle. These clus­tered nom­i­nat­ing events serve as a crit­i­cal lit­mus test in years when one or both par­ties’ nom­i­na­tions are being close­ly contested.

2024 is not one of those years, but Super Tues­day nev­er­the­less remains impor­tant, because the results of today’s nom­i­nat­ing events will deter­mine the allo­ca­tions of a plu­ral­i­ty of nation­al con­ven­tion delegates.

So far, as expect­ed, Pres­i­dent Biden and his defeat­ed pre­de­ces­sor Don­ald Trump are both cruis­ing along. Biden is fac­ing just one active oppo­nent, Dean Phillips, whose cam­paign has failed to gain any trac­tion despite the mass medi­a’s hys­te­ria over Pres­i­dent Biden’s age, which Phillips — a Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­gress­man — has unsuc­cess­ful­ly tried to cap­i­tal­ize on. Trump’s one remain­ing rival, Nik­ki Haley, is nowhere close to him but did man­age to win the Dis­trict of Colum­bia pri­ma­ry this past week­end, and did sur­pass 30% of the vote in two ear­ly pri­ma­ry states.

In Ver­mont, Haley is win­ning. It’s anoth­er rare bright spot for her:

Nik­ki HaleyRepub­li­can34,53949.41%
Don­ald J. TrumpRepub­li­can31,56145.15%

Tonight’s ini­tial results are the best indi­ca­tion yet that the Repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion will once again go to Trump — for the third time in eight years. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is already con­sid­ered to have the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­na­tion locked up despite some fret­ting about his age and via­bil­i­ty against Trump in a rematch.

Both can­di­dates are already look­ing ahead to the gen­er­al elec­tion. Trump trashed Biden in a ram­bling speech car­ried live on sev­er­al cable chan­nels, while Biden released a state­ment strong­ly denounc­ing Trump by name.

“Tonight’s results leave the Amer­i­can peo­ple with a clear choice: Are we going to keep mov­ing for­ward or will we allow Don­ald Trump to drag us back­wards into the chaos, divi­sion, and dark­ness that defined his term in office?” said Biden.

“Four years ago, I ran because of the exis­ten­tial threat Don­ald Trump posed to the Amer­i­ca we all believe in. Since then, we’ve made enor­mous progress: 15 mil­lion jobs, wages ris­ing faster than infla­tion, tak­ing on Big Phar­ma and the gun lob­by — and win­ning. But we have more to do.”

“If Don­ald Trump returns to the White House, all of this progress is at risk. He is dri­ven by griev­ance and grift, focused on his own revenge and ret­ri­bu­tion, not the Amer­i­can peo­ple. He is deter­mined to destroy our democ­ra­cy, rip away fun­da­men­tal free­doms like the abil­i­ty for women to make their own health care deci­sions, and pass anoth­er round of bil­lions of dol­lars in tax cuts for the wealthy — and he’ll do or say any­thing to put him­self in power.

“Today, mil­lions of vot­ers across the coun­try made their voic­es heard — show­ing that they are ready to fight back against Don­ald Trump’s extreme plan to take us back­wards. My mes­sage to the coun­try is this: Every gen­er­a­tion of Amer­i­cans will face a moment when it has to defend democ­ra­cy. Stand up for our per­son­al free­dom. Stand up for the right to vote and our civ­il rights.”

“To every Demo­c­rat, Repub­li­can, and inde­pen­dent who believes in a free and fair Amer­i­ca: This is our moment. This is our fight. Togeth­er, we will win.”

“As we con­tin­ue to watch results come in from states across the coun­try, includ­ing my home state of Cal­i­for­nia, this is an ener­giz­ing moment for our cam­paign,” said Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris. “Amer­i­cans of all back­grounds are show­ing that they sense the urgency of this elec­tion, and that they are ready to stand with Pres­i­dent Biden and me in this fight to pro­tect our fun­da­men­tal freedoms.”

“Don­ald Trump has vowed to be a dic­ta­tor on Day One. He has promised to weaponize the Depart­ment of Jus­tice. And he has bragged that he is proud of his role in rob­bing women of their repro­duc­tive free­dom. He pos­es a fun­da­men­tal threat to our democ­ra­cy, and he must be stopped.”

“Dur­ing the upcom­ing State of the Union, Pres­i­dent Biden will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to report on the tremen­dous progress we have made when it comes to cre­at­ing good-pay­ing jobs, reduc­ing costs, and help­ing Amer­i­ca’s fam­i­lies build a bet­ter life. He will also lay out our vision of what more we can accom­plish, if we work together.”

“This week’s events will serve as a spring­board for the next crit­i­cal phase of the cam­paign. In the com­ing days, I look for­ward to return­ing to three key bat­tle­grounds: Wis­con­sin, Neva­da and Arizona.”

“The pres­i­dent and I know reelec­tion must be earned, and we will con­tin­ue to put in the work to reach every pos­si­ble vot­er. Win­ning the fight to pro­tect our fun­da­men­tal free­doms will require noth­ing less.”

2024 Republican Party presidential primaries results

These juris­dic­tions are hold­ing Repub­li­can nom­i­nat­ing events, which Wikipedia edi­tors are post­ing results for:

2024 Democratic Party presidential primaries results

These juris­dic­tions are hold­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nat­ing events, which Wikipedia edi­tors are post­ing results for:

Aside from Alas­ka Repub­li­cans, no state par­ty in the greater Pacif­ic North­west is par­tic­i­pat­ing in Super Tues­day. The Wash­ing­ton State pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry is cur­rent­ly ongo­ing, how­ev­er, with bal­lots due back by March 12th. That is also when ini­tial results will become avail­able for study and discussion.

The extreme Repub­li­cans who run Ida­ho’s leg­isla­tive branch acci­den­tal­ly repealed the Gem State’s pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry and failed to fix their mis­take, so Ida­ho does­n’t have a pri­ma­ry this year. Repub­li­cans cau­cused this past week­end, while Democ­rats will be cau­cus­ing towards the end of the cal­en­dar in June.

Ore­gon’s pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry will be con­cur­rent­ly held with its state-lev­el pri­ma­ry in May, con­clud­ing on Tues­day, May 21st, 2024. The pri­ma­ry will be a vote-at-home event, just like in Wash­ing­ton State.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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