Vote 2017
Vote 2017

May 16th is the sec­ond day of Fil­ing Week in Wash­ing­ton State, but in Ore­gon and Ida­ho, May 16th is a Spe­cial Elec­tion Day, with much at stake.

Read­ers, if you live in the Beaver State or the Gem State, it’s very, very impor­tant you exer­cise your civic duty today and vote.

Cour­tesy of the Mult­nom­ah Coun­ty Elec­tions Divi­sion, here are some impor­tant things to know if you’re an Ore­gon voter.

  • You can view your reg­is­tra­tion sta­tus at Ore­gon Votes. There you can check or update your vot­er reg­is­tra­tion or track your ballot.
  • Bal­lots were mailed begin­ning on Wednes­day, April 26th, 2017. If you did not receive your bal­lot (and you live in Mult­nom­ah Coun­ty), please call 503–988-3720 to request a replace­ment ballot.
  • Not all the can­di­dates or mea­sures in the Vot­ers’ Pam­phlet will be on your bal­lot. Your res­i­dence address deter­mines those dis­tricts for which you may vote. Your offi­cial bal­lot will con­tain the can­di­dates and issues which apply to your residence.
  • Not all can­di­dates sub­mit­ted infor­ma­tion for the Vot­ers’ Pam­phlet so you may have can­di­dates on your bal­lot that are not in the Vot­ers’ Pamphlet.
  • Vot­ed bal­lots MUST be received at any Coun­ty elec­tions office in Ore­gon or offi­cial drop site loca­tion by 8:00 PM, Tues­day, May 16, 2017 to be counted.

There are a lot of school board posi­tions and local propo­si­tions on the bal­lot across Ore­gon. The out­come of these con­tests will deter­mine what kind of lead­er­ship com­mu­ni­ties across the Beaver State will have.

It is too late to mail back a bal­lot in Ore­gon, but it’s not too late to vote. You can look up your near­est bal­lot drop box return loca­tion using this link.

And here’s a sum­ma­ry of the stakes in today’s elec­tion in Ida­ho, cour­tesy of Demo­c­ra­t­ic State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive (and House Demo­c­ra­t­ic Leader) Mat Erpelding:

Depend­ing on where you live, the May 16th elec­tions will deter­mine how Ida­ho moves forward.

Here are just a few of the major issues up for a vote tomorrow.

  • In Bon­neville Coun­ty, vot­ers will deter­mine if an East­ern Ida­ho Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege is created.
  • School bond and levy issues will dom­i­nate bal­lots across the state includ­ing in Soda Springs, Emmett, Cot­ton­wood, Nezperce, and Hagerman.
  • School board mem­ber elec­tions will deter­mine who plans the future of edu­ca­tion at the local lev­el. Cald­well, Nam­pa, Coeur d’A­lene, Lake Pend Oreille (Sand­point) each have vital­ly impor­tant elections.
  • High­way Trans­porta­tion Dis­tricts deter­mine the future of our local trans­porta­tion infra­struc­ture includ­ing bike lanes, paving pre­rog­a­tives, and new expan­sions. Canyon Coun­ty (Canyon Coun­ty High­way Dis­trict, Gold­en Gate High­way Dis­trict, etc.) Koote­nai Coun­ty (Lakes High­way Dis­trict), and oth­ers have elec­tions tomorrow.

If you’re an Ida­ho vot­er, find your polling place by fol­low­ing this link.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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2 replies on “Today is a special election day in Oregon and Idaho — don’t forget to vote!”

  1. Looks like you did your home­work on this one. Ore­gon has had a May pri­ma­ry since as long as I remem­ber. I grew up in Wal­la Wal­la, about 5 miles from the State­line. I remem­ber pres­i­den­tial can­di­date com­ing to small Ore­gon towns like Pendle­ton because it’s pri­ma­ry was important.

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