Posted inLitigation

VICTORY! Tim Eyman ordered to cooperate with AG investigation, pay enforcement costs

Hope­ful­ly putting an end to months of stonewalling by Tim Eyman, Sno­homish Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court Judge Ellen Fair today ordered the ini­tia­tive prof­i­teer to coop­er­ate with Attor­ney Gen­er­al Bob Fer­gu­son’s inves­ti­ga­tion into his alleged vio­la­tions of Wash­ing­ton’s pub­lic dis­clo­sure law, which began last fall with a refer­ral of a com­plaint from the Pub­lic Dis­clo­sure Commission. […]

Posted inBreaking News, Media & Culture

KPLU SAVED! Deal with KUOW is off, 88.5 FM to become an independent NPR affiliate

A major vic­to­ry for media diver­si­ty and inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ism has been won today with the news that Pacif­ic Luther­an Uni­ver­si­ty has agreed to sell NPR affil­i­ate KPLU to the non­prof­it group Friends of 88.5 FM, which suc­cess­ful­ly raised $7 mil­lion in the span of just a few months to keep the sta­tion inde­pen­dent. The just-announced […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, World Commmunity

Brexit vote: “Leave” wins stunning victory, but Scotland and N. Ireland vote to Remain

A major­i­ty of vot­ers in the Unit­ed King­dom of Great Britain have decid­ed to break up with the Euro­pean Union, British mass media out­lets are pro­ject­ing, stun­ning finan­cial mar­kets and pun­dits who had pre­dict­ed a vic­to­ry for the Remain cam­paign when all was said and done. At around mid­night East­ern time and 9 PM Pacific, […]

Posted inOur Environment, Policy Topics, Public Planning

Sound Transit Board sends ST3 to ballot; Mass Transit Now campaign launches to pass it

Sound Tran­sit’s eigh­teen mem­ber Board of Direc­tors vot­ed unan­i­mous­ly to adopt the revised draft ST3 (Phase III) plan and refer it to the vot­ers of urban King, Pierce, and Sno­homish coun­ties this after­noon, suc­cess­ful­ly con­clud­ing sev­er­al years of exten­sive plan­ning and pub­lic out­reach. Board Chair Dow Con­stan­tine thanked Sound Tran­sit staff for their hard work […]

Posted inOur Environment, Policy Topics, Public Planning

YES on Sound Transit 3: Now is the time to make a bold investment in regional mobility

Edi­tor’s Note: Today at Union Sta­tion, I spoke in favor of Sound Tran­sit’s ST3 plan, and urged the Sound Tran­sit Board of Direc­tors to place it on the bal­lot. The fol­low­ing is the text of my pre­pared tes­ti­mo­ny. I deliv­ered an abbre­vi­at­ed ver­sion of these remarks before the Board dur­ing its pub­lic com­ment peri­od. Good […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Legislative Advocacy, Live Coverage, Policy Topics

HAPPENING NOW: U.S. House Democrats stage sit-in on House floor over gun violence

Fed up with inac­tion in Con­gress on gun safe­ty reform, Demo­c­ra­t­ic mem­bers of the Unit­ed States House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives have decid­ed to occu­py the well of the House until Speak­er Paul Ryan and his lead­er­ship team agree to hold a vote on leg­is­la­tion that would address the nation’s gun vio­lence epi­dem­ic. The sit-in began with […]

Posted inAnnouncements, Elections, Legislative Advocacy

Washington voters want revenue bills decided by a simple majority vote, NPI research finds

Over the course of the past twen­­ty-five years, right wing Repub­li­cans in Wash­ing­ton have been on a mis­sion to sab­o­tage the major­i­ty vote clause of our state’s Con­sti­tu­tion. Through a series of statewide ini­tia­tives spon­sored by Lin­da Smith and Tim Eyman, they’ve repeat­ed­ly attempt­ed to grant them­selves the pow­er to block any bill that would […]

Posted inAnnouncements, Legislative Advocacy

Washingtonians really, really want a capital gains tax to address education funding crisis

Wash­ing­ton vot­ers believe our pub­lic schools are under­fund­ed and strong­ly sup­port rais­ing rev­enue at the state lev­el to address the prob­lem, accord­ing to a new sur­vey con­duct­ed last week by Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling for the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute. 63% of the like­ly vot­ers who respond­ed to the sur­vey agreed that Wash­ing­ton’s schools need more funding. […]

Posted inElections, Live Coverage

LIVE from Tacoma: Washington’s PLEO national delegates have been chosen

Good after­noon from Taco­ma. Today is the third day of the 2016 Wash­ing­ton State Demo­c­ra­t­ic Con­ven­tion, the last event in the state par­ty’s cau­cus and con­ven­tion cycle for this year. Com­mit­tee meet­ings and con­stituen­cy cau­cus­es were held on Fri­day along with the gala ban­quet; the gen­er­al ses­sion was held yes­ter­day along with the state leaders […]

Posted inElections, Live Coverage, Party Politics

LIVE from Tacoma: Final Credentials report heard; Noel Frame elected Permanent Chair

The 2016 Wash­ing­ton State Demo­c­ra­t­ic Con­ven­tion is rolling along in Taco­ma. In the span of a few short min­utes, the Con­ven­tion heard a Final Cre­den­tials Report from co-chairs Javier Valdez and Lin­da Isen­son, then pro­ceed­ed to elect a per­ma­nent chair for the Con­ven­tion: 36th Dis­trict Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Noel Frame. As of the time that reg­is­tra­tion closed, 690 […]

Posted inEvents, Live Coverage

LIVE from Tacoma: Preliminary Credentials Committee report delivered and adopted

We are now into our sec­ond hour here at the 2016 Wash­ing­ton State Demo­c­ra­t­ic Con­ven­tion in Taco­ma; and we’ve just heard the pre­lim­i­nary report of the Cre­den­tials Com­mit­tee, co-chaired by King Coun­ty Com­mit­tee­man Javier Valdez and Pierce Coun­ty Chair Lin­da Isen­son. The report of the com­mit­tee was as fol­lows: 445 Bernie Sanders del­e­gates have signed […]

Posted inElections, Party Politics

Hillary Clinton easily leads Donald Trump in Washington State, new NPI poll finds

Pre­sump­tive Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee Hillary Clin­ton has a dou­ble dig­it lead over pre­sump­tive Repub­li­can nom­i­nee Don­ald Trump, accord­ing to a sur­vey con­duct­ed this week by Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling for the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute. The sur­vey asked respon­dents: If the can­di­dates for Pres­i­dent this fall were Demo­c­rat Hillary Clin­ton and Repub­li­can Don­ald Trump, who would you vote for? 49% […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Legislative Advocacy, Policy Topics

Senator Chris Murphy’s talking filibuster to stop gun violence enters its fourteenth hour

Ear­ly this morn­ing, at 8:21 AM Pacif­ic Time, Demo­c­ra­t­ic U.S. Sen­a­tor Chris Mur­phy of Con­necti­cut took to the Sen­ate floor to call for action to address gun vio­lence. But instead of mere­ly giv­ing a short speech and then yield­ing the floor, Mur­phy coura­geous­ly began what has now turned into the eighth longest “talk­ing fil­i­buster” in […]

Posted inAnnouncements, Events, Live Coverage, Party Politics

NPI to provide live coverage of the 2016 Washington State Democratic Convention

This week­end, the Wash­ing­ton State Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty will be hold­ing its 2016 Con­ven­tion, the last event in the par­ty’s bian­nu­al cau­cus and con­ven­tion cycle, at the Greater Taco­ma Con­ven­tion and Trade Cen­ter in the City of Des­tiny. As we have in years past, NPI will be offer­ing live cov­er­age of the goings-on at the Convention, […]