Posted inElections, Party Politics

Hillary Clinton easily leads Donald Trump in Washington State, new NPI poll finds

Pre­sump­tive Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee Hillary Clin­ton has a dou­ble dig­it lead over pre­sump­tive Repub­li­can nom­i­nee Don­ald Trump, accord­ing to a sur­vey con­duct­ed this week by Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling for the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute. The sur­vey asked respon­dents: If the can­di­dates for Pres­i­dent this fall were Demo­c­rat Hillary Clin­ton and Repub­li­can Don­ald Trump, who would you vote for? 49% […]