Posted inElections

Steve Kasner is closing in on Kevin Wallace in Bellevue: Is victory possible?

While there has been plen­ty of media cov­er­age sur­round­ing SeaT­ac Propo­si­tion #1 (the Good Jobs ini­tia­tive) and the con­test between Kshama Sawant and Richard Con­lin for Seat­tle City Coun­cil, there’s anoth­er very close race of sig­nif­i­cance that has­n’t received as much atten­tion: Belle­vue City Coun­cil Posi­tion 4. The con­test pits Demo­c­rat Steve Kas­ner, an activist, against […]

Posted inElections

It’s official: Percentage-wise, Initiative 517 is Tim Eyman’s biggest-ever defeat

While we won’t have final num­bers until the 2013 gen­er­al elec­tion is cer­ti­fied in a few weeks, we can say that as of today, Ini­tia­tive 517 ranks as Tim Eyman’s biggest-ever defeat, per­­cen­t­age-wise. The vote against 517 statewide con­tin­ues to climb, pro­pelled by an incred­i­bly strong no vote in King, Pierce, and Sno­homish coun­ties, which […]

Posted inElections

Nathan Schlicher concedes to Jan Angel in the 26th LD following latest ballot tally

After updat­ed returns from Pierce and Kit­sap coun­ties showed Repub­li­can Jan Angel con­tin­u­ing to gain ground for the sec­ond straight day in the fierce­­ly-con­test­ed con­test for State Sen­ate in the 26th LD, Nathan Schlicher’s cam­paign announced that Schlich­er had called Angel ear­li­er this evening to con­cede. “I’m proud of our team, but I think it’s […]

Posted inElections

Thurston County joins the Yes on I‑522 camp as margin of defeat narrows again

Those of us who enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly sup­port­ed Ini­tia­tive 522 (to label genet­i­cal­ly mod­i­fied foods) have some good news to cheer tonight: Thurston Coun­ty has switched sides and joined the Yes camp as of the lat­est tal­ly, bring­ing the total num­ber of coun­ties in favor of I‑522 to five. Mean­while, the Yes vote statewide climbed to 47.05%, pushing […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Economic Security, Policy Topics

U.S. Senate passes ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, in historic vote

It took longer than it should have, but today, the Unit­ed States Sen­ate made his­to­ry by pass­ing the Employ­ment Non-Dis­­crim­i­­na­­tion Act (ENDA) which out­laws dis­crim­i­na­tion in the work­place based on sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion. The vote was six­­ty-four to thir­­ty-two, with four sen­a­tors not vot­ing. As is increas­ing­ly the case, Repub­li­cans sup­plied every sin­gle one of the […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Legislative Advocacy

Ending the anti-tax mantra: Boeing and the Association of Washington Business support raising taxes to help themselves

As the Wash­ing­ton State leg­is­la­ture enters its sev­enth spe­cial ses­sion in three years, dis­rupt­ing fall plans, meet­ings, and speak­ing appear­ances for the mem­bers of both state hous­es, the ses­sion called by Gov­er­nor Inslee deserves notice for where key play­ers in statewide bud­get and rev­enue fights are lin­ing up–mainly that Boe­ing and the Asso­ci­a­tion of Wash­ing­ton Busi­ness have come out in support […]