Posted inHealthcare, Policy Topics, Public Service

Seasoned Microsoft executive Kurt DelBene tapped to manage

For­mer Microsoft exec­u­tive Kurt Del­Bene, who has capa­bly served as the pres­i­dent of the com­pa­ny’s Busi­ness divi­sion for many years, will take over man­age­ment of, the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion announced today at a meet­ing with top tech­nol­o­gy exec­u­tives, includ­ing Microsoft gen­er­al coun­sel Brad Smith. Del­Bene will suc­ceed Jef­frey D. Zients, who has been serv­ing as a […]

Posted inEconomic Security, National Defense, Policy Topics

United States needs and deserves a budget that puts people — and the planet — first

Con­gress votes and the deal’s done. What does it mean? Wash­ing­ton’s senior U.S. Sen­a­tor Pat­ty Mur­ray and her nego­ti­at­ing part­ner Con­gress­man Paul Ryan have avert­ed yet anoth­er bud­get cri­sis head­ing into the 2014 bud­get nego­ti­a­tions. The Sen­ate still has to vote, but the House has, by a sur­pris­ing­ly large mar­gin, gone ahead and signed off on […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Policy Topics

Scam alert! An unknown entity, the “Labor Standards Compliance Office”, is trying to sell labor posters with letters that look like bills

An unknown enti­ty call­ing itself the “Labor Stan­dards Com­pli­ance Office” is mass mail­ing decep­tive let­ters to Wash­ing­ton busi­ness­es and non­prof­its that appear to be bills from the gov­ern­ment, but are in real­i­ty solic­i­ta­tions for labor posters that can be freely obtained, the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute has learned. One of these sus­pi­­cious-look­ing let­ters showed up this […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Policy Topics

Right-wing think tanks plotting Eymanesque campaign against our cities and counties

Last week, reporters for The Guardian pulled the cur­tain back on a net­work of well-fund­ed, well-orga­nized right-wing think tanks and their extreme agen­da. Doc­u­ments obtained by The Guardian show the bland­­­ly-named State Pol­i­cy Net­work is work­ing to under­mine edu­ca­tion, health­care, and rev­enue col­lec­tion in near­ly every state in the coun­try. Their spe­cif­ic pro­pos­als are extremely […]

Posted inEducation, Policy Topics

Steve Sarkisian abandons his players and Husky football for USC’s top coaching job

Wash­ing­ton’s high­­est-paid employ­ee is head­ed south for a more lucra­tive job. Steve Sark­isian, who was hired to turn around a win­less Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton foot­ball pro­gram five years ago, acknowl­edged ear­li­er today that he has accept­ed the head coach­ing posi­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia, which is one of the most elite schools in the […]

Posted inNational Defense, Policy Topics, Public Planning

Theft of Victoria Clipper IV demonstrates the need for stronger port security

Ear­ly yes­ter­day morn­ing, the newest high speed cata­ma­ran in the Clip­per Nav­i­ga­tion fleet, the Vic­to­ria Clip­per IV, was stolen from its berth at Seat­tle’s Pier 69 by a reg­is­tered sex offend­er who lat­er told police he was try­ing to use the ves­sel to get to West Seat­tle. (Why he did­n’t just walk or take the […]