Posted inBreaking News

Scott White: 1970–2011

Trag­ic news from Roslyn tonight: State Sen­a­tor Scott White, who has capa­bly rep­re­sent­ed Seat­tle’s 46th Dis­trict in the state Leg­is­la­ture since the begin­ning of 2009, was found dead in his room at the Sun­ca­dia Resort after house­keep­ing staff noticed that he had failed to check out. The cause of death is cur­rent­ly unknown, but it may […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, World Commmunity

America’s occupation of Iraq will end with the close of 2011, President Obama confirms

Amer­i­ca’s occu­pa­tion of Iraq will come to a close as orig­i­nal­ly promised, Pres­i­dent Oba­ma said at the White House on Fri­day, con­firm­ing that all Amer­i­can forces — with the excep­tion of a token force left to guard the U.S. Embassy in Bagh­dad — will be pulling out of Iraq by year’s end. “Over the next […]