Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

Tim Eyman loses first round in lawsuit against the City of Redmond over traffic camera vote

A law­suit recent­ly filed by Tim Eyman against NPI’s home­town over the city’s deci­sion not to for­ward peti­tions seek­ing a vote on the issue of red light cam­eras was dis­missed today by King Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court Judge Lau­ra Inveen, who held that the mea­sure, “exceeds the law­ful scope of local ini­tia­tive pow­er.” The rul­ing means that […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

Seattle Port Commission adopts resolution opposing Tim Eyman’s I‑1125

The Port of Seat­tle’s gov­ern­ing leg­isla­tive body today joined with the city coun­cils of Red­mond, Kirk­land, and Ren­ton in urg­ing a no vote on Tim Eyman’s Ini­tia­tive 1125, which would jeop­ar­dize cru­cial trans­porta­tion projects around the state by impos­ing sense­less restric­tions on tolling. In a unan­i­mous vote, the five port com­mis­sion­ers respon­si­ble for gov­ern­ing the […]

Posted inElections, Policy Topics, Public Planning

Microsoft invests $600,000 into NO on 1125

Keep Wash­ing­ton Rolling, the coali­tion that is fight­ing Tim Eyman’s I‑1125, has just received a huge finan­cial boost from one of Wash­ing­ton’s largest employ­ers: Microsoft (which, like NPI, is head­quar­tered in Red­mond). The com­pa­ny had pre­vi­ous­ly donat­ed $100,000 to the cause, but last Fri­day, it wrote anoth­er check for six times that amount, bring­ing its […]