Hey every­one! I’m track­ing results and blog­ging live from my hum­ble abode, an Amer­i­can Uni­ver­si­ty dorm room in our nation’s capital.

CNN just released exit polls that have Vir­ginia in a dead 49%, 49% heat. North­ern Vir­ginia is the big swing area of the state.

Both cam­paigns are look­ing to Loudon and Hen­ri­co coun­ties, as well as the D.C. sub­urbs, to push the out­come in their direc­tion. Nate Sil­ver of the New York Times gives Pres­i­dent Oba­ma a 79.4% chance of win­ning the state, but as the exit polls show, it’s a tight race… and Democ­rats cer­tain­ly can’t declare vic­to­ry yet.

Much more from D.C. soon!

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