Posted inElections, Party Politics

President Barack Obama headed here next month to raise money for Patty Murray

Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma will be return­ing to the great Pacif­ic North­west next month to raise mon­ey for U.S. Sen­a­tor Pat­ty Mur­ray and the Wash­ing­ton State Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, accord­ing to an invi­ta­tion post­ed by the par­ty. The invi­ta­tion reads: Tick­ets start at $250. Tables can be spon­sored for $2,500 or $5,000. Pro­ceeds from the event will benefit […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Elections, Policy Topics

Former Republican state party chair Chris Vance launches challenge to Patty Murray

Last week, rumors sur­faced that for­mer Wash­ing­ton State Repub­li­can Par­ty Chair Chris Vance would be launch­ing a cam­paign for U.S. Sen­ate in 2016, seek­ing the seat cur­rent­ly held by Pat­ty Mur­ray. Yes­ter­day, to the relief of cur­rent state Repub­li­can Chair Susan Hutchi­son, Vance made it offi­cial: He’s in. Vance, fifty-three, has a his­to­ry of run­ning for […]

Posted inElections, Series & Special Reports

Poll Watch: Jay Inslee holds sizable lead over Andy Hill and Bill Bryant, PPP finds

Respect­ed pub­lic opin­ion research firm Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling has just pub­lished the results of a poll it recent­ly con­duct­ed in Wash­ing­ton on 2016 races and vot­er atti­tudes towards back­ground checks on gun sales, mar­i­jua­na, and mar­riage free­dom. It finds that both Gov­er­nor Jay Inslee and Sen­a­tor Pat­ty Mur­ray are in excel­lent shape for reelec­tion, leading […]

Posted inBreaking News, Economic Security, Legislative Advocacy

Analysis: New Republican-backed bills would cut injured workers’ benefits

Last week all pre­tense of bipar­ti­san­ship in State Sen­a­tor Rod­ney Tom’s new coali­tion was aban­doned with its intro­duc­tion of five anti-labor bills pur­pose­ly intend­ed to weak­en work­er’s com­pen­sa­tion. The new cau­cus formed by Sen­a­tors Tom and Shel­don and the Repub­li­cans is try­ing to rush these bills through to pas­sage. A floor vote is expect­ed in […]

Posted inElections

Record number of Democratic women headed to U.S. Senate for 113th Congress

Exact­ly two decades after the 1992 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, some­times called the “year of the woman” or “year of the women”, the Amer­i­can peo­ple have made his­to­ry by elect­ing a record num­ber of female can­di­dates to the nation’s upper leg­isla­tive cham­ber. Near­ly all of them are Democ­rats. Vot­ers enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly reelect­ed Sen­a­tors Maria Cantwell of Wash­ing­ton, Kristen […]

Posted inElections

Poll Watch: 2012 Washington Poll finds Obama, Inslee, and marriage equality ahead

Moments ago, KCTS9, in coop­er­a­tion with the Cen­ter for Sur­vey Research at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton, released the results of this year’s Wash­ing­ton Poll. The Wash­ing­ton Poll is a wide­ly respect­ed elec­toral sur­vey direct­ed by Dr. Matt Bar­reto, who serves as an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor at the UW in Seat­tle. It is con­duct­ed annu­al­ly, and because […]

Posted inElections, Live Coverage

LIVE from Seattle Center: Maria Cantwell, Michael Baumgartner square off in debate

Two hours from now, the first (and per­haps only) tele­vised sen­a­to­r­i­al debate for the 2012 cycle will begin tap­ing at KCTS’ stu­dios at Seat­tle Cen­ter. It will air tonight at 7 PM (KCTS high def­i­n­i­tion chan­nels are 9.1 for over-the-air broad­casts, 009 on Dish or DirecTV, 109 on Com­cast Xfin­i­ty, and 509 on Fron­tier FiOS). […]

Posted inElections

Senator Maria Cantwell to get at least one declared opponent this Monday

At least one of three Repub­li­cans who has been con­tem­plat­ing a chal­lenge to Sen­a­tor Maria Cantwell next year is now telling the media that he plans to offi­cial­ly launch his cam­paign. Michael Baum­gart­ner, who defeat­ed Demo­c­rat Chris Marr in an expen­sive state Sen­ate race just last year, will hold an announce­ment event of some sort […]