Posted inElections, Party Politics, Views & Reviews

Poll Watch: Where do things stand in the Republican presidential race?

The 2012 Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial race has been noth­ing if not enter­tain­ing, as the writ­ers for The Dai­ly Show with Jon Stew­art will undoubt­ed­ly attest. A new poll com­mis­sioned by Roger Ailes’ Fox Noise net­work, con­duct­ed from Sep­tem­ber 25–27, finds that Mitt Rom­ney is now the fron­trun­ner for the Repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion. The poll showed Rom­ney at […]

Posted inElections

Fred Finn announces retirement; two Democrats announce plans to seek his seat

Demo­c­ra­t­ic State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Fred Finn, who has rep­re­sent­ed Washington’s 35th LD since 2008, announced recent­ly that he will not be run­ning for reelec­tion in 2012, lead­ing two Democ­rats to announce their inten­tion to seek his seat. Finn’s dis­trict includes Mason Coun­ty as well as parts of Grays Har­bor, Kit­sap, and Thurston coun­ties. He served as a […]

Posted inEducation

Governor Gregoire steps up to mediate negotiations to end Tacoma teacher strike

After sev­en days with­out school for thou­sands of Taco­ma stu­dents, Gov. Chris Gre­goire has stepped up to medi­ate talks between Taco­ma Pub­lic Schools and the Taco­ma Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion. After fail­ing to reach an agree­ment today, the gov­er­nor called for school dis­trict offi­cials and mem­bers of the teach­ers union to nego­ti­ate in her office. Mem­bers of […]

Posted inMedia & Culture, Open Government, Policy Topics

Alaska begins releasing Sarah Palin emails

Today, many emails from Sarah Palin’s par­­tial­­ly-com­­plet­ed term as Alas­ka gov­er­nor were released.  So far, noth­ing too embar­rass­ing has come out, though the State of Alas­ka is still hold­ing back many doc­u­ments. Accord­ing to The Guardian, approx­i­mate­ly 2,358 pages are being with­held out of the 26,553 pages of emails that were iden­ti­fied in Decem­ber. The […]