Today, many emails from Sarah Palin’s par­tial­ly-com­plet­ed term as Alas­ka gov­er­nor were released.  So far, noth­ing too embar­rass­ing has come out, though the State of Alas­ka is still hold­ing back many documents.

Accord­ing to The Guardian, approx­i­mate­ly 2,358 pages are being with­held out of the 26,553 pages of emails that were iden­ti­fied in Decem­ber.  The fee for obtain­ing the doc­u­ments is $750 (because of the price of copying).

Stick­lers for mechan­ics are, of course, point­ing out Palin’s repeat­ed and fre­quent use of ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ when address­ing oth­er elect­ed offi­cials, her inabil­i­ty to spell cor­rect­ly, and habit of not writ­ing com­plete sentences.

As read­ers know, Sarah Palin recent­ly began a cam­paign-style bus tour across the coun­try.  She has not offi­cial­ly launched a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion bid, but most pun­dits expect that it won’t be long before she does.

The release of these emails comes at a con­ve­nient time for Pal­in’s Repub­li­can rivals and Team Oba­ma as well. If there’s any­thing in this doc­u­ment dump that brings to light any inap­pro­pri­ate or uneth­i­cal behav­ior on Pal­in’s part, that could help oth­er Repub­li­cans gain favor over Palin with the right wing, and deal her pres­i­den­tial bid a set­back. Expect jour­nal­ists to go through these emails with a fine-tooth comb.

About the author

Wes Murry is a progressive democrat and student at Olympia High School. He is the founder of the OHS Democrats Club, where he currently serves as president. In his spare time, Wes volunteers with Thurston County Democrats and Denny Heck For Congress. He also covers the Mariners, Sounders, Trailblazers, and SuperSonics with Bleacher Report, Seattle Sports Nut, and Yahoo Sports.

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2 replies on “Alaska begins releasing Sarah Palin emails”

  1. Why would I want to review any of Ms Pal­in’s emails? Who cares about her? By mak­ing this a major sto­ry the media only keeps her in the spot­light. Haven’t you learned, the way to make some­one dis­ap­pear is this day and age, is to ignore them. Thanks for breath­ing life into an oth­er­wise dead polit­i­cal figure. 

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