Posted inMeta, Series & Special Reports

Ready for a new decade: NPI to begin its next ten years with a capable, committed board

Editor’s Note: This month and this week, NPI is cel­e­brat­ing its tenth anniver­sary. This is the sec­ond post in a sev­en-part series reflect­ing on NPI’s first decade. Each install­ment will be penned by one of NPI’s board mem­bers. NPI has come a long way in ten years.  I moved to Wash­ing­ton State in 1997, but […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Getting Ready to Party in Washington’s 45 and 5th LDs

I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing lots of my favorite Demo­c­ra­t­ic elect­ed offi­cials and can­di­dates tonight. Begin­ning with Lar­ry Springer and Roger Good­man in Wash­ing­ton’s 45th LD, it will be great to see an enthu­si­as­tic crowd of pro­gres­sive activists.  Next I’ll be look­ing for­ward to chat­ting with 1st CD can­di­date Suzan Del­bene who will be partying […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Policy Topics

Washington lawmakers should act to abolish executions in the 2013 legislative session

A few months ago, as spring reached its apex, Connecticut’s Gov­er­nor, Dan­nel Mal­loy, a Demo­c­rat, signed a bill out­law­ing cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. “Con­necti­cut joins six­teen oth­er states and the rest of the indus­tri­al­ized world by tak­ing this action,” he not­ed as he signed the bill into law. The signs are obvi­ous for any­one who looks. Capital […]