The crowd here at the Wood­mark has gone wild with the announce­ment that she leads 57 to 43 for the short term seat. No results yet for the full term race and the old dis­trict leans heav­i­ly Demo­c­ra­t­ic but it’s a great sign.

Results for the full term seat are also look­ing very pos­i­tive. I think Suzan will be mak­ing a state­ment with her fam­i­ly at her side momen­tar­i­ly. Kurt just ran by look­ing for Becca.

The 1st CD can be very con­fus­ing for peo­ple out­side the dis­trict. Because Jay Inslee resigned to con­cen­trate on his race for Gov­er­nor, there are two races in two geo­grapi­cal­ly dif­fer­ent dis­tricts. But with the same can­di­dates. By win­ning both races Suzan will gain a senior­i­ty edge over the rest of the incom­ing con­gres­sion­al class.

Con­gress­man Rick Larsen is kick­ing off the speeches.

Now Ross Hunter is intro­duc­ing Cyrus Habab.


Suzan is speak­ing now.



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