2020 Filing Week Update from NPI
2020 Filing Week Update from NPI

Wel­come to our con­tin­u­ing cov­er­age of Fil­ing Week 2020!

Until this Fri­day, the Sec­re­tary of State and coun­ty elec­tions offi­cials will be accept­ing for­mal dec­la­ra­tions of can­di­da­cy from Wash­ing­to­ni­ans who have decid­ed they want to run for office at fed­er­al, state, and local levels.

This is a pres­i­den­tial year, which means we’ll be elect­ing all ten of our U.S. House posi­tions, all nine of our statewide exec­u­tive posi­tions, most of our state leg­isla­tive posi­tions, and sev­er­al of our State Supreme Court posi­tions, not to men­tion a large num­ber of local posi­tions, espe­cial­ly in Pierce County.

This post is the sixth in a series of Fil­ing Week reports we’ll be bring­ing you at reg­u­lar inter­vals until the close of fil­ing at 5 PM on the final day of the workweek.

U.S. House

The Unit­ed States House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives is the larg­er of the two cham­bers of Con­gress estab­lished by the Unit­ed States Con­sti­tu­tion. Mem­bers of the House serve two year terms and must face the vot­ers each elec­tion cycle. Since the 2010–2011 redis­trict­ing process, Wash­ing­ton has had ten seats in the House.

Can­di­dates who have filed since this morning:

8th Con­gres­sion­al District

  • Repub­li­can Jesse Jensen

Executive Department

Wash­ing­ton State’s exec­u­tive depart­ment con­sists of nine statewide direct­ly elect­ed posi­tions head­ed by a gov­er­nor. All posi­tions are for four-year terms, filled in pres­i­den­tial years. Each posi­tion is inde­pen­dent­ly elect­ed and thus has its own port­fo­lio of respon­si­bil­i­ties. Key man­age­ment posi­tions with­in the exec­u­tive branch that are not direct­ly elect­ed are filled by guber­na­to­r­i­al appointment.

Can­di­dates who have filed since this morning:


  • Ryan Ryals (par­ty pref­er­ence is list­ed as “Unaf­fil­i­at­ed”)

Com­mis­sion­er of Pub­lic Lands

  • Demo­c­rat Hilary Franz

State Supreme Court

The most impor­tant judi­cial body in Wash­ing­ton State is its State Supreme Court, which, like its fed­er­al equiv­a­lent, has nine mem­bers. How­ev­er, unlike the Unit­ed States Supreme Court, some­times referred to as SCOTUS for short, mem­bers of the State Supreme Court are direct­ly elect­ed by the vot­ers for six-year terms.

No can­di­dates have filed since this morning.

Key legislative races

The Wash­ing­ton State Leg­is­la­ture, like the Unit­ed States Con­gress, is a bicam­er­al body with a House and Sen­ate. Mem­bers of the state House serve two year terms, just like their fed­er­al coun­ter­parts, while mem­bers of the state Sen­ate serve four year terms. Present­ly, Wash­ing­ton has forty-nine leg­isla­tive dis­tricts, with each dis­trict elect­ing two rep­re­sen­ta­tives and one senator.

Can­di­dates who have filed since this morning:

10th Leg­isla­tive District

  • State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive — Posi­tion #1
    • Demo­c­rat Ang­ie Homola

19th Leg­isla­tive District

  • State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive — Posi­tion #1
    • Repub­li­can Jim Walsh

Pierce County positions

Pierce is Wash­ing­ton’s sec­ond largest coun­ty by pop­u­la­tion. Unlike its north­ern neigh­bor King and oth­er home rule coun­ties in Wash­ing­ton State with char­ters, Pierce elects its coun­ty-lev­el posi­tions in even-num­bered years (when turnout is high­er), as opposed to odd-num­bered years (when turnout is typ­i­cal­ly lower).

No can­di­dates have filed since this morning.

See the complete list of everyone who has filed

Want to see a com­pre­hen­sive list of all can­di­date fil­ings at the state lev­el? You can do so at the Sec­re­tary of State’s web­site. You may also browse our archive of Fil­ing Week reports to see who filed for office at oth­er inter­vals.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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