KOMO 4 legend Steve Pool
KOMO 4 legend Steve Pool (Courtesy of KOMO)

Today, the fam­i­ly of leg­endary KOMO 4 mete­o­rol­o­gist Steve Pool shared the sad news that Pool died this week due to com­pli­ca­tions from ear­ly onset Alzheimer’s. A fix­ture in the local media land­scape for decades, Pool was a tal­ent­ed, car­ing jour­nal­ist who was known for his opti­mism and excel­lent fore­casts. He will be deeply missed by many friends, col­leagues, and KOMO viewers.

His pass­ing was announced in a note post­ed by his fam­i­ly on Face­book.

Dear Friends,

I am here to share the sad news that my dear hus­band, my love, has passed away from ear­ly-onset Alzheimer’s dis­ease. He fought this ter­ri­ble dis­ease pri­vate­ly for sev­er­al years, and with every ounce of his being. He told me mul­ti­ple times to “nev­er count me out” and we nev­er did. This past week it became too much and he passed away peace­ful­ly. We are so blessed to have had him in our lives. He was an extra­or­di­nary man, hus­band, father and good friend to many. Please know that he tru­ly loved his job and this com­mu­ni­ty and felt so priv­i­leged to be a part of your lives. You were all so good to him and there­by good to us. Our hearts are irre­triev­ably bro­ken. Please say a prayer for him and our family.

Much love, Michelle and our daugh­ters Lind­sey and Marissa

Our con­do­lences to Michelle, Lind­sey, Maris­sa, and the Pool family.

Portrait of Steve Pool
A por­trait of Steve Pool, shared by his fam­i­ly (Via Facebook)

Born Novem­ber 5th, 1953, Pool grew up in West­ern Wash­ing­ton. He went to Tyee High School in SeaT­ac and served his peers as stu­dent body pres­i­dent. He went to col­lege at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton and became a KOMO intern dur­ing those years. After he grad­u­at­ed in 1978 with a major in com­mu­ni­ca­tions, he was hired to work at the sta­tion full time as a reporter, cov­er­ing hard news and sports.

A few years lat­er, in 1984, when the sta­tion need­ed some­one to take over the weath­er beat, Pool assumed his icon­ic role as KOMO’s chief fore­cast­er, after return­ing to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton to study the atmos­pher­ic sci­ences. He would remain in that role for over three decades until his retire­ment in 2019.

Even when the weath­er was bad, watch­ing Pool deliv­er a fore­cast was very enjoy­able. His reas­sur­ing pres­ence was some­thing KOMO view­ers could rely on.

In this clip cre­at­ed by our team at NPI from our local broad­cast tele­vi­sion media archives, you can see Steve at his best, deliv­er­ing a fore­cast on a beau­ti­ful, sun­ny May spring day back in 2013, with a lead-in from anchor Dan Lewis.

Although Pool spent his career at KOMO, he was also nation­al­ly renowned thanks to his work fill­ing as a guest fore­cast­er on ABC’s Good Morn­ing America.

“His awards include Sev­en Emmy Awards, a Sig­ma Delta Chi Soci­ety of Pro­fes­sion­al Jour­nal­ism award, New York Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val Gold and Bronze Medals, Nation­al Acad­e­my of Tele­vi­sion Arts and Sci­ences, Amer­i­can Scene Award, a “Tel­ly” Award, the pre­mier award hon­or­ing out­stand­ing local, region­al, and cable TV com­mer­cials and pro­grams, and an Acad­e­my of Reli­gious Broad­cast­ing Life­time Achieve­ment Award,” his offi­cial biog­ra­phy notes.

“He has appeared more than sev­en­ty times on ABC’s Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca and is also part of the news team that was the 2001 and 2008 win­ner of the Edward R. Mur­row Award for the best news­cast in Amer­i­ca. In 2004 he was induct­ed into the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Hall of Fame.”

Pool’s col­leagues dur­ing his more than forty years at KOMO includ­ed Lewis, Kathi Goertzen, Ken Schram, Lynn Espinoza, Elisa Jaffe, Bruce King, Bryan John­son, Mary Nam, Con­nie Thomp­son, Mol­ly Shen, and Eric Johnson.

The full list is much, much longer.

John­son filed a sto­ry a few weeks ago remem­ber­ing what he con­sid­ers the “Dream Team” — Lewis, Goertzen, Pool, and King.

Lewis is now the only liv­ing mem­ber of that quartet.

John­son, who suc­ceed­ed King on the sports beat and remains with KOMO today, remem­bered his time work­ing with Pool very fondly:

Steve Pool start­ed work­ing full-time at KOMO TV in 1977, although he’d already done some work for them as a stu­dent at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Washington.

He start­ed with sports, did some straight news, and even­tu­al­ly set­tled on weath­er. His smooth, easy charis­ma lit up the TV screen for more than thir­ty years.

The old tapes don’t lie. He was a natural.

“Steve Pool is such a like­able guy,” Dan says.

“One of the most tal­ent­ed peo­ple I’ve ever known. I mean, beyond his great work with the weath­er, he was fun­ny, he could sing.

Steve, I think, was a born entertainer.”

We talked a lit­tle about just how good he was.

So good that he filled in on Good Morn­ing America.

So good that peo­ple were drawn to him like a magnet.

“Peo­ple love Steve Pool, man, and I love Steve Pool,” Dan says. “He was such a fun guy to work with.”

And a fun guy to get weath­er updates from.

When the Apple Cup rolled around each autumn, the game fre­quent­ly became an object of ban­ter among the mem­bers of the Dream Team. Goertzen, a diehard Cougar fan, delight­ed in spar­ring on-air with Pool, a proud Husky.

The last Apple Cup of the Pac‑8/10/12 era will be played tomorrow.

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton offered this trib­ute: “RIP to UW alum Steve Pool, ’77. Always a sta­ple in our Puget Sound com­mu­ni­ty, Steve will be deeply missed. Steve’s leg­endary career with KOMO news spanned more than four decades, serv­ing as one of our region’s most trust­ed weathermen.”

Seat­tle May­or Bruce Har­rell wrote: “A Seat­tle news leg­end and pio­neer, Steve Pool was kind and authen­tic – he epit­o­mized pro­fes­sion­al­ism. I join in mourn­ing his pass­ing and send my heart­felt con­do­lences to his fam­i­ly. Steve’s lega­cy will live on through the peo­ple and caus­es he supported.” 

Essex Porter, one of our favorite reporters of all time, wrote: “Steve was already anchor­ing when I arrived in Seat­tle in 1982. His excel­lence and ele­gance helped to open the door and hold it open for me and all the oth­er Black tele­vi­sion jour­nal­ists in Seat­tle. A leg­end. Con­do­lences to his fam­i­ly and friends.”

Jesse Jones, anoth­er Seat­tle broad­cast tele­vi­sion icon, wrote: “RIP Steve. What an incred­i­ble man. Could have worked at any lev­el any­where. And yet, he stayed to serve our com­mu­ni­ties. Legendary.”

“Steve Pool’s excel­lence is a crit­i­cal exam­ple for the mis­sion and cred­i­bil­i­ty of SABJ [the Seat­tle Asso­ci­a­tion of Black Jour­nal­ists],” said Jer­ry Brew­er, SAB­J’s Pres­i­dent. “He was too good, too cool, too classy and too gen­uine to be denied. We’ll nev­er for­get that we stand on the shoul­ders of an incred­i­ble jour­nal­ist whose tal­ent was matched only by the kind and unselfish way he went about doing the job.”

Pool main­tained his ties with KOMO, now owned by Sin­clair, after con­clud­ing his employ­ment there. “Steve con­tin­ued to make con­tri­bu­tions to KOMO 4 even in retire­ment,” the sta­tion explained. “He came up with the idea for the doc­u­men­tary How Seat­tle Changed The World, which pre­miered on KOMO 4 in Feb­ru­ary 2023. The doc­u­men­tary shares how peo­ple in the Seat­tle area cre­at­ed new prod­ucts, ser­vices, and inno­va­tions that made life eas­i­er and bet­ter for peo­ple all over the world. The doc­u­men­tary was ded­i­cat­ed to Steve Pool.”

Steve Pool epit­o­mized the best of Cas­ca­dia. He was a first-rate broad­cast­er, but more impor­tant­ly, he was a good per­son. A true role mod­el who treat­ed oth­ers with kind­ness and respect. That is what our world des­per­ate­ly needs more of.

Thank you for every­thing, Steve.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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One reply on “Steve Pool: 1953–2023”

  1. Been watch­ing him since 1974…

    “Steve Pool The Weath­er Tool”

    You will be missed!!!

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