Posted inElections

Time to worry about Snohomish County, too: Washington’s right wing frets about Sheriff Adam Fortney’s reelection prospects

With less than one week to go until Gen­er­al Elec­tion Day 2023, there’s mount­ing evi­dence that local Repub­li­cans and right wing groups are grow­ing con­cerned that key races aren’t going to turn out in their favor, includ­ing a key sher­if­f’s race in Wash­ing­ton’s third largest county.

Posted inPolicy Topics

Sound Transit begins pre-revenue light rail testing on the Eastside, opens RTS garage

In the lat­est sign that the East­side’s long wait for light rail ser­vice is near­ing an end, Sound Tran­sit this week began pre-rev­enue test­ing on the future 2 Line between Belle­vue and Red­mond and invit­ed the pub­lic to begin using the Red­mond Tech­nol­o­gy Sta­tion garage in the heart of the Microsoft campus.