Posted inHealthcare, Open Government, Policy Topics

Trump regime sends Tom Price packing after disastrous tenure at Health & Human Services

Good rid­dance: Tom Price, the health and human ser­vices sec­re­tary, resigned under pres­sure on Fri­day after rack­ing up at least $400,000 in trav­el bills for char­tered flights and under­min­ing [Don­ald] Trump’s promise to drain the swamp of a cor­rupt and enti­tled cap­i­tal. Already in trou­ble with Mr. Trump for months of unsuc­cess­ful efforts to repeal […]

Posted inElections, Open Government, Policy Topics

Republican Jinyoung Englund goes negative again, one week after agreeing 45th LD Senate contest should be more positive

In a pathet­i­cal­ly des­per­ate attempt to resus­ci­tate its prospects, the cam­paign of Repub­li­can Jiny­oung Lee Englund has launched a fresh tor­rent of false attack ads against her Demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­nent Man­ka Dhin­gra — just days after Englund agreed with Dhin­gra in a debate host­ed by the League of Women Vot­ers that the con­test between the two […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

Sound Transit keeps moving forward despite attacks from Tim Eyman, right wing talk radio

Sound Tran­sit’s staff and board are doing their best to speed up the suc­ces­sor ST3 projects approved last year to lib­er­ate even more com­mu­ni­ties from lack of mobil­i­ty options, but those efforts will be for naught if Eyman and com­pa­ny suc­ceed in their sin­is­ter quest to crip­ple Sound Tran­sit. That’s why NPI is work­ing to ensure Eyman’s ill-con­ceived I‑947 gets the vig­or­ous oppo­si­tion that it deserves.

Posted inViews & Reviews

Book Review: Laura Spinney’s Pale Rider re-examines the biggest tragedy of the 1900s

It’s become a stan­dard bit of twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry triv­ia that as ter­ri­ble as the First World War was, the 1918 flu pan­dem­ic coin­cid­ing with the armistice killed more than the con­flict itself. Now, an espe­cial­ly pedan­tic per­son might want to argue that WWI real­ly was the begin­ning of the ‘Sec­ond Thir­ty Years War’. They might treat as […]

Posted inMedia & Culture, Our Environment, Policy Topics, Views & Reviews

Documentary Review: “We the People 2.0” examines the decay of American democracy

In order to pro­tect our envi­ron­ment from messy oil and gas projects, haz­ardous waste, tox­ic pol­lu­tion, and indus­tri­al agri­cul­ture threat­en­ing local farm­ing, a new iter­a­tion of democ­ra­cy is nec­es­sary. At least, that is the argu­ment put forth in “We the Peo­ple 2.0,” a 2016 doc­u­men­tary pro­duced by Tree Media. This com­pelling film starts off by highlighting […]

Posted inElections

Dino Rossi becomes a candidate once again — this time for the U.S. House in WA-08

Dino Rossi con­firmed tonight that he once again becom­ing a can­di­date for pub­lic office, this time for the Unit­ed States House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives in 2018. At the Wash­ing­ton State Repub­li­can Par­ty’s annu­al din­ner in Belle­vue, Rossi made his long-rumored can­di­da­cy offi­cial, declar­ing that he will be vying to suc­ceed Dave Reichert in Wash­ing­ton’s 8th Dis­trict next year. […]

Posted inElections, Legislative Advocacy

Republican Jinyoung Englund doesn’t think that Washington State’s tax code is regressive

Here in the majes­tic Pacif­ic North­west, in the great State of Wash­ing­ton, we have much to be thank­ful for and proud of. We are a nation­al leader advanc­ing wor­thy ideas like envi­ron­men­tal stew­ard­ship, fair pay, and sen­si­ble gun safe­ty laws. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there’s one area where we rank dead last among all fifty states, and that is […]

Posted inElections, Legislative Advocacy, Party Politics

Patty Kuderer: Republicans are mismanaging the Washington State Senate — let’s fire them

This year, vot­ers in five leg­isla­tive dis­tricts hold­ing spe­cial elec­tions will decide who con­trols the Wash­ing­ton State Leg­is­la­ture in 2018. The two cham­bers are cur­rent­ly each divid­ed by the nar­row­est of majori­ties, with Democ­rats hold­ing a razor thin major­i­ty in the House and Repub­li­cans hold­ing a razor thin major­i­ty in the Sen­ate. While the Democratic […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, World Commmunity

PCC rebrands: Cooperative drops “Natural Markets” for “Community Markets”

For decades, PCC (the Puget Con­sumers Coop­er­a­tive) has been a fix­ture of Seat­tle and more recent­ly the greater Seat­tle met­ro­pol­i­tan area, pro­vid­ing organ­ic food from local farms, ranch­es, bak­eries, and dairies. When we need food for an event, such as our annu­al Win­ter Hol­i­day Par­ty, NPI turns to PCC. Since 1998, when PCC adopt­ed the moniker […]

Posted inElections, Open Government, Policy Topics

Ed Murray resigns as Mayor of Seattle after fifth man steps forward alleging abuse

Ed Mur­ray has decid­ed to call it quits and resign as May­or of Seat­tle, effec­tive tomor­row evening at 5 PM, hav­ing evi­dent­ly con­clud­ed that attempt­ing to serve out the remain­der of his term is no longer remote­ly fea­si­ble now that a fifth man has stepped for­ward to allege that Mur­ray sex­u­al­ly abused him years ago. […]