Posted inElections

“There are no limits on how much can be given”: Tim Eyman would like your money

Twen­ty years ago, before Tim Eyman had become a house­hold name and a mas­ter media manip­u­la­tor, he was a sell­er of wrist­watch­es to fra­ter­ni­ties and soror­i­ties, resid­ing near Green Lake in Seat­tle. This was, for many years, the text that greet­ed vis­i­tors to Eyman’s Insignia Cor­po­ra­tion web­site, Estab­lished in 1989, Insignia Cor­po­ra­tion is officially […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Technology

NPI to FCC’s Ajit Pai: Broadband must remain classified as a telecommunications service

Editor’s Note: The fol­low­ing are the com­ments sub­mit­ted by the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute to the Fed­er­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Com­mis­sion in sup­port of a free and open Inter­net, oppos­ing Repub­li­can Ajit Pai’s pro­pos­al to do away with the rules adopt­ed in 2015 to require broad­band providers to adhere to net neu­tral­i­ty. Com­mis­sion­ers: Title 47 of the Code […]