Posted inElections

Momentum builds for defeat of Tim Eyman’s odious I‑1366 as coalition roster swells

With Labor Day 2015 now behind us, the tra­di­tion­al home stretch of the annu­al autumn cam­paign sea­son has begun. The Novem­ber 3rd gen­er­al elec­tion is less than two months away, and bal­lots will be mailed in about thir­­ty-five days. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the Wash­ing­ton State Supreme Court declined to issue an injunc­tion last Fri­day in Huff v. […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Elections, Policy Topics

Former Republican state party chair Chris Vance launches challenge to Patty Murray

Last week, rumors sur­faced that for­mer Wash­ing­ton State Repub­li­can Par­ty Chair Chris Vance would be launch­ing a cam­paign for U.S. Sen­ate in 2016, seek­ing the seat cur­rent­ly held by Pat­ty Mur­ray. Yes­ter­day, to the relief of cur­rent state Repub­li­can Chair Susan Hutchi­son, Vance made it offi­cial: He’s in. Vance, fifty-three, has a his­to­ry of run­ning for […]