Posted inBreaking News, Elections

Suzanne Bonamici elected to succeed David Wu in Oregon’s 1st Congressional District

Ore­gon’s con­gres­sion­al del­e­ga­tion is final­ly whole again. After hav­ing spent near­ly six months with­out rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Con­gress, vot­ers in the Beaver State’s 1st Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict (which spans the north­west­ern part of the state) final­ly got the chance this month to choose a new rep­re­sen­ta­tive to serve them in the U.S. House. And tonight, with the first […]

Posted inMeta

Happy seventh birthday, Pacific NW Portal!

One of our most impor­tant projects, which we’ve been invest­ing a lot of ener­gy into late­ly, is turn­ing sev­en today: Pacif­ic NW Por­tal, first launched on Jan­u­ary 31st, 2005, has now been online for a grand total of eighty four months. Since the day it launched, it’s helped to bring the net­roots of Wash­ing­ton, Oregon, […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Meta, Policy Topics

Big vote on marriage equality tomorrow

In a mat­ter of hours, Wash­ing­ton’s Sen­ate is set to take up Ed Mur­ray’s bill, SB 6239, to make mar­riage equal­i­ty the law of the land across the Ever­green State. At least twen­­ty-five sen­a­tors (includ­ing some Repub­li­cans) have already com­mit­ted to vote in favor of the bill, so it is expect­ed to pass. How­ev­er, if you […]

Posted inOpen Government

Congressional insider trading bill being considered in the U.S. Senate today

Last week in his State of the Union Address, Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma renewed the call to end the lit­­tle-known uneth­i­cal prac­tice that helps mem­bers of Con­gress increase their wealth through insid­er trad­ing. Today the Sen­ate will con­sid­er S. 2038, spon­sored by Sen­a­tor Joe Lieber­man (Par­ty of One — Con­necti­cut) which will pro­hib­it mem­bers from trading […]