Posted inBreaking News, Elections

Matchup appears set in Seattle mayor’s race: It’ll be Ed Murray versus Mike McGinn

Win­now­ing elec­tion night is final­ly here. Sev­er­al weeks after vot­ing began, the dead­line to turn in bal­lots has arrived, and the first results are com­ing in. All eyes, fig­u­ra­tive­ly speak­ing, are on the state’s largest city, which has the elec­tion’s mar­quee race: a nine-way con­test for may­or. Only two of the nine will be mov­ing for­ward to […]

Posted inElections

John Stokes wins extremely close election for Bellevue City Council Position #1

It’s over, at last: After a two-day manda­to­ry recount trig­gered by an extreme­ly close final spread in the con­test for Belle­vue City Coun­cil Posi­tion #1, we final­ly have a win­ner: pro­gres­sive activist John Stokes, whose final mar­gin of vic­to­ry end­ed up being just fifty-four votes. That’s less than the pop­u­la­tion of one precinct. Stokes, a […]

Posted inElections

John Stokes gets a little more breathing room in extremely close Bellevue City Council race

After watch­ing his slim lead over oppo­nent Aaron Laing grow even slim­mer for sev­er­al days in a row, pro­gres­sive activist John Stokes is final­ly rebound­ing. The con­test between Stokes and Laing (who is backed by Kem­per Free­man, Jr.) to suc­ceed Grant Deg­gin­ger has cap­tured the region’s atten­tion due to its close­ness. Stokes’ lead increased by […]

Posted inBreaking News, Elections

Progressive city council candidate Jesse Salomon overtakes opponent in Shoreline

This after­noon, a major shift occurred in one of the close city coun­cil races that we’ve been watch­ing over the last few days. After hav­ing trailed oppo­nent Robin McClel­land for near­ly a week, young pro­gres­sive Jesse Salomon today took a twen­­ty-two vote lead in the con­test for Shore­line City Coun­cil Posi­tion #6. Salomon, who works […]

Posted inElections

John Stokes widens lead over Aaron Laing to one hundred and sixty nine votes

A few min­utes ago, King Coun­ty Elec­tions post­ed updat­ed results for the gen­er­al elec­tion, the last time the depart­ment will do so this week (tomor­row is Vet­er­ans’ Day, and no tab­u­lat­ing is done on week­ends). While there’s no earth-shat­ter­ing news to report, the num­bers did slight­ly shift, as usu­al. Of course, even lit­tle shifts mat­ter a […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

Tim Eyman loses first round in lawsuit against the City of Redmond over traffic camera vote

A law­suit recent­ly filed by Tim Eyman against NPI’s home­town over the city’s deci­sion not to for­ward peti­tions seek­ing a vote on the issue of red light cam­eras was dis­missed today by King Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court Judge Lau­ra Inveen, who held that the mea­sure, “exceeds the law­ful scope of local ini­tia­tive pow­er.” The rul­ing means that […]

Posted inEducation

Governor Gregoire steps up to mediate negotiations to end Tacoma teacher strike

After sev­en days with­out school for thou­sands of Taco­ma stu­dents, Gov. Chris Gre­goire has stepped up to medi­ate talks between Taco­ma Pub­lic Schools and the Taco­ma Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion. After fail­ing to reach an agree­ment today, the gov­er­nor called for school dis­trict offi­cials and mem­bers of the teach­ers union to nego­ti­ate in her office. Mem­bers of […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Public Planning

Seattle decisively votes to bless construction of deep-bore tunnel for State Route 99

The State of Wash­ing­ton’s project to replace the aging, crum­bling Alaskan Way Viaduct has just received its final polit­i­cal green light. After endur­ing sev­er­al months of debates, forums, and adver­tise­ments, Seat­tle vot­ers have resound­ing­ly cho­sen to bless the con­struc­tion of a deep bore tun­nel under down­town. Ear­ly returns indi­cate a land­slide vic­to­ry for Let’s Move Forward, […]

Posted inElections, Series & Special Reports

Filing Week 2011: A look at who’s filed in key races as of Thursday afternoon

June and the 2011 fil­ing peri­od for elect­ed office are upon us. All this week, elec­tions offi­cials around the state will be accept­ing for­mal dec­la­ra­tions of can­di­da­cy from Wash­ing­to­ni­ans who have decid­ed they want to run for office. Through­out the week, we’ll be keep­ing watch on who has filed in key races in King County […]

Posted inElections, Series & Special Reports

Filing Week 2011: A look at who’s filed in key races as of Wednesday afternoon

June and the 2011 fil­ing peri­od for elect­ed office are upon us. All this week, elec­tions offi­cials around the state will be accept­ing for­mal dec­la­ra­tions of can­di­da­cy from Wash­ing­to­ni­ans who have decid­ed they want to run for office. Through­out the week, we’ll be keep­ing watch on who has filed in key races in King County […]

Posted inElections, Series & Special Reports

Filing Week 2011: A look at who’s filed in key races as of Monday afternoon

June and the 2011 fil­ing peri­od for elect­ed office are upon us. All this week, elec­tions offi­cials around the state will be accept­ing for­mal dec­la­ra­tions of can­di­da­cy from Wash­ing­to­ni­ans who have decid­ed they want to run for office. Through­out the week, we’ll be keep­ing watch on who has filed in key races in King County […]