Posted inElections

The people have spoken, and they want even-year elections for local government positions

The pas­sage of King Coun­ty Char­ter Amend­ment 1 is part of a nation­wide suc­cess sto­ry in these midterms. There’s a grow­ing move­ment in this coun­try favor­ing even-year elec­tions that had a clean sweep in 2022, with a total of thir­teen even-year elec­tion mea­sures iden­ti­fied by Bal­lot­pe­dia all win­ning approval.

Posted inElections

Moving King County elections to even years will make county topics more visible to voters

Repub­li­can Rea­gan Dunn asks rhetor­i­cal­ly if peo­ple will pay atten­tion to coun­ty races if they’re in even years. The answer is yes, they will… because coun­ty gov­er­nance and coun­ty-lev­el top­ics will be part of the mix in years when peo­ple are more attuned to pol­i­tics and when the medi­a’s polit­i­cal cov­er­age is more robust.