Posted inPolicy Topics

Donald Trump indicted again — this time, finally, for assaulting American democracy

The indict­ment is the result of care­ful, method­i­cal work by Spe­cial Coun­sel Jack Smith and many hard­work­ing inves­ti­ga­tors at the Depart­ment of Jus­tice, who have labored to ensure that the work done to expose what hap­pened on Jan­u­ary 6th did­n’t mere­ly pass into his­to­ry as a report, but led to charges. 

Posted inPolicy Topics

Teamsters secure big, historic wins in tentative contract agreement with UPS

“Rank-and-file UPS Team­sters sac­ri­ficed every­thing to get this coun­try through a pan­dem­ic and enabled UPS to reap record-set­ting prof­its. Team­ster labor moves Amer­i­ca. The union went into this fight com­mit­ted to win­ning for our mem­bers. We demand­ed the best con­tract in the his­to­ry of UPS, and we got it,” said Team­sters Gen­er­al Pres­i­dent Sean M. O’Brien in a statement.