Posted inHolidays

Banished Words for 2018

Read Lake Supe­ri­or State Uni­ver­si­ty’s List of Words Ban­ished from the Queen’s Eng­lish for Mis­use, Overuse, and Gen­er­al Use­less­ness for 2018, plus NPI’s addi­tions. This year, we’re ban­ish­ing “Alter­na­tive Facts”, “Thoughts and Prayers”, “Zero Sum Game”, “Hive Mind”, “Woke”, and “Not/Shouldn’t Be a Par­ti­san Issue”. 

Posted inHolidays

Happy Easter 2017!

If you are observ­ing the East­er hol­i­day today, please accept best wish­es from all of us at the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute. East­er is the most sig­nif­i­cant holy day for Christianity’s many denom­i­na­tions, although not all of them are cel­e­brat­ing it today. Pas­sages like the fol­low­ing excerpt from the Gospel of Matthew (28:1–10) are com­mon­ly read […]

Posted inHolidays

Banished Words for 2017

Every year since 1976, Michigan’s Lake Supe­ri­or State Uni­ver­si­ty has released a thought­ful and humor­ous “List of Words Ban­ished from the Queen’s Eng­lish for Mis­use, Overuse and Gen­er­al Use­less­ness”. Here is the 2017 (and forty-sec­ond annu­al) edi­tion, for your read­ing enjoy­ment on this New Year’s Eve: YOU, SIR — Hails from a more civ­i­lized era […]

Posted inHolidays

The Declaration of Independence, two hundred and forty years later

In accor­dance with tra­di­tion, we are repost­ing the text of the Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence here on The Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate for your enjoy­ment. The Dec­la­ra­tion was pri­mar­i­ly authored by our third pres­i­dent, Thomas Jef­fer­son, who drew heav­i­ly on the think­ing of Enlight­en­ment philoso­phers such as John Locke to per­sua­sive­ly lay out the case for the independence […]

Posted inHolidays

Happy Easter 2016!

If you are observ­ing the East­er hol­i­day today, please accept best wish­es from all of us at the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute. East­er is the most sig­nif­i­cant holy day for Christianity’s many denom­i­na­tions, although not all of them are cel­e­brat­ing it today. Pas­sages like the fol­low­ing excerpt from the Gospel of John (20:1–9) are com­mon­ly read […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Holidays, Policy Topics

Martin Luther King, Jr.: We have a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws

Today is Mar­tin Luther King Jr. Day, and like we do every year in hon­or of Dr. King’s mem­o­ry, I’m post­ing an excerpt from his Let­ter From Birm­ing­ham Jail. In these pas­sages, Dr. King is explain­ing that not all laws are cre­at­ed equal. Laws are made by humans, and humans unfor­tu­nate­ly have a long history […]

Posted inHolidays

Banished Words for 2016

Every year since 1976, Michigan’s Lake Supe­ri­or State Uni­ver­si­ty has released a thought­ful and humor­ous “List of Words Ban­ished from the Queen’s Eng­lish for Mis­use, Overuse and Gen­er­al Use­less­ness”. Here is the 2016 (and forty-first annu­al) edi­tion, for your read­ing enjoy­ment on this New Year’s Eve: SO — So the word that received the most […]

Posted inHolidays

Happy Veterans Day 2015!

Today we pause to thank the many brave men and women who have valiant­ly served our coun­try in the armed forces, defend­ing this great nation so that the rest of us may go about our lives freely and peace­ful­ly. We at NPI are espe­cial­ly grate­ful for the ser­vice of our own Rick Heg­dahl (U.S. Navy […]

Posted inHolidays

In memoriam, fourteen years later

Today is the four­teenth anniver­sary of the Sep­tem­ber 11th attacks, which destroyed New York’s World Trade Cen­ter, dam­aged the Pen­ta­gon, and claimed the lives of thou­sands of inno­cent Amer­i­cans. In hon­or of those who died that day, we’re repub­lish­ing a poem that we post annu­al­ly here on The Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate. Two thou­sand one, nine eleven […]

Posted inHolidays

The Declaration of Independence, two hundred and thirty-nine years later

In accor­dance with tra­di­tion, we are post­ing the text of the Dec­la­ra­tion of Inde­pen­dence here on The Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate for your enjoy­ment. The Dec­la­ra­tion was pri­mar­i­ly authored by our third pres­i­dent, Thomas Jef­fer­son, who drew heav­i­ly on the think­ing of Enlight­en­ment philoso­phers such as John Locke to per­sua­sive­ly lay out the case for the independence […]

Posted inHolidays, Policy Topics, Public Planning

This Independence Day, don’t get burned: Let the professionals set off the fireworks

Inde­pen­dence Day is almost here, and as the cel­e­bra­tion of Amer­i­ca’s found­ing has inched clos­er, fed­er­al, state and local offi­cials have become increas­ing­ly vocal about the dan­gers posed by set­ting off fire­works, par­tic­u­lar­ly with con­di­tions so dry this year. Author­i­ties are emphat­i­cal­ly urg­ing peo­ple to go see a com­mu­ni­ty spon­sored, pro­fes­sion­al­ly run fire­works show instead […]

Posted inHolidays, Spirituality

Happy Easter 2015!

For your read­ing plea­sure on this joy­ous East­er Sun­day, here is an account of the Res­ur­rec­tion of Jesus Christ from the Gospel of Mark: When the sab­bath was over, Mary Mag­da­lene, Mary, the moth­er of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go and anoint him. Very ear­ly when the sun had risen, on the first […]