Posted inPublic Service

Kitsap County Democrats nominate Brynn Felix, Greg Nance, Leiyomi Preciado to fill Washington State House vacancy in 23rd LD

Meet­ing at the Fil­ipino-Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion of Kit­sap Coun­ty, a spe­cial nom­i­nat­ing cau­cus of more than fifty Demo­c­ra­t­ic precinct com­mit­tee offi­cers (PCOs) from the 23rd Leg­isla­tive Dis­trict heard from a total of six can­di­dates inter­est­ed in the appoint­ment before cast­ing bal­lots to decide who the par­ty’s nom­i­nees would be.

Posted inPolicy Topics

Washington State Supreme Court rebuffs Wahkiakum School District’s school construction funding constitutional challenge

The high­est court in the Ever­green State has unan­i­mous­ly ruled against a rur­al Wash­ing­ton school dis­trict that brought a con­sti­tu­tion­al chal­lenge over the state’s long­time K‑12 facil­i­ties fund­ing regime, find­ing that the state’s para­mount duty does not extend to school cap­i­tal con­struc­tion costs.

Posted inElections

Right wing looking for a way to defeat Ohio reproductive rights constitutional amendment

The Buck­eye State will vote Novem­ber 7th on Issue 1, an amend­ment to the Ohio Con­sti­tu­tion which pro­claims: “Every indi­vid­ual has a right to make and car­ry out one’s own repro­duc­tive rights.” The deci­sions include con­tra­cep­tion, fer­til­i­ty treat­ment, con­tin­u­ing one’s own preg­nan­cy, mis­car­riage and abortion.”