Posted inElections

The New York Times is failing readers with its awful, one-sided 2022 midterms coverage

The end­ing of the 2022 midterms has yet to be writ­ten, but NYT edi­tors and reporters are con­vinced they know what’s going to hap­pen. They are churn­ing out sto­ries that have Repub­li­can vic­to­ry is just ahead as the premise, with head­lines that end­less­ly play up Repub­li­cans’ chances and sug­gest Democ­rats are doomed.

Posted inElections

Kim Schrier’s Republican challenger Matt Larkin calls for lowering the minimum wage

Hav­ing seem­ing­ly not learned any lessons from Dino Rossi’s four unsuc­cess­ful bids for high­er office this cen­tu­ry, Kim Schri­er’s Repub­li­can oppo­nent Matt Larkin declared this week in an inter­view with The Her­ald of Everett that Wash­ing­ton’s min­i­mum wage should be “clos­er” to the fed­er­al hourly min­i­mum of $7.25.

Posted inPolicy Topics, Technology, World Commmunity

Elon Musk takes over Twitter after reportedly completing acquisition, begins firing people

The mega­bil­lion­aire com­plet­ed his acqui­si­tion of the social net­work­ing plat­form this evening after a failed attempt to back out of the deal that he struck sev­er­al months ago, which prompt­ed a law­suit by Twit­ter to force him to hon­or the terms of the deal and buy out the shareholders.

Posted inPolicy Topics

Bellevue residents want more policies that encourage transit oriented development

Four promis­ing ideas for cat­alyz­ing tran­sit ori­ent­ed devel­op­ment in the City of Belle­vue enjoy broad and deep sup­port among res­i­dents of Wash­ing­ton’s fifth largest city, a sur­vey con­duct­ed a few weeks ago for the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute and the Belle­vue Hous­ing Research Coali­tion has found.

Posted inPolicy Topics

More than three in five Washington voters support Patty Murray and Kim Schrier’s Let Doctors Provide Reproductive Health Care Act

62% of 782 like­ly Wash­ing­ton State vot­ers sur­veyed Octo­ber 19th-20th, 2022 for NPI by Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Polling said they sup­port­ed Sen­a­tor Pat­ty Mur­ray and U.S. Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Kim Schri­er’s Let Doc­tors Pro­vide Repro­duc­tive Health Care Act (H.R. 8650 in the House and S.4723 in the Senate).

Posted inElections

Senator Patty Murray faces her Republican opponent Tiffany Smiley on the debate stage

The Repub­li­cans have field­ed a Sen­ate can­di­date well drilled in the party’s talk­ing points, in poll-test­ed themes, but vague on specifics of what she would do with the job. Mur­ray has grown a lit­tle less acces­si­ble, but car­ries a clear sense of what she is doing and why. The debate was not a hur­dle and she did not stumble.