Posted inElections

Guardian reporter assaulted by Republican Greg Gianforte on eve of special election

For­get Repub­li­can dirty tricks — how about out­right thug­gery? The Repub­li­can can­di­date for Montana’s con­gres­sion­al seat slammed a Guardian reporter to the floor on the eve of the state’s spe­cial elec­tion, break­ing his glass­es and shout­ing, “Get the hell out of here.” Ben Jacobs, a Guardian polit­i­cal reporter, was ask­ing Greg Gian­forte, a tech mil­lion­aire running […]

Posted inBreaking News, Litigation

Tim Eyman countersues State of Washington, claims he’s not guilty and is being persecuted

Dis­graced ini­tia­tive pro­mot­er Tim Eyman has at last filed an answer to the State of Wash­ing­ton’s law­suit against him and his asso­ciates — and it’s a doozy. In a ten page plead­ing filed today with Thurston Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court, Eyman assert­ed through his lawyer Mark Lamb that he has­n’t done any­thing wrong and is being persecuted […]

Posted inElections

Could Washington see a November election with no statewide ballot measures? Possibly

We are now one third of the way through 2017, and polit­i­cal­ly speak­ing, it’s already turn­ing out to be a very unusu­al year, thanks to the con­tin­ued, destruc­tive ascen­dan­cy of Don­ald Trump. As Seat­tle Times colum­nist Dan­ny West­neat explains in today’s edi­tion of his semi­week­ly col­umn, all pol­i­tics seem­ing­ly now revolves around Trump, which was […]

Posted inElections

It’s a dead heat in British Columbia: Major parties tied for seats, BC Greens hold balance

Who will be the next Pre­mier of British Colum­bia? That’s a ques­tion we still don’t know the answer to, despite polls hav­ing closed across Canada’s west­­ern-most province over three hours ago, because the results have been incred­i­bly close. As of around 11:10 PM Pacif­ic Time, incum­bent Pre­mier Christy Clark and the gov­ern­ing Lib­er­als (who, despite their […]

Posted inBreaking News, Open Government, Policy Topics

You’re fired: Donald Trump has ousted FBI Director James Comey, effective immediately

James Comey is out as the Direc­tor of the Fed­er­al Bureau of Inves­ti­ga­tion after being sacked by Don­ald Trump in a sur­prise dis­missal, the regime said today in a bomb­shell announce­ment that instant­ly became top news. In a let­ter addressed to Comey, Trump wrote: “I have received the attached let­ters from the Attor­ney Gen­er­al and the […]

Posted inElections

Ed Murray to end political career; won’t seek reelection as Mayor of Seattle

At a press con­fer­ence this morn­ing at Alki Beach, Seat­tle May­or Ed Mur­ray announced that he has decid­ed not to seek a sec­ond term as leader of the state’s largest city, say­ing “it tears me to pieces to step away”. Flanked by loy­al sup­port­ers, Mur­ray reflect­ed on his accom­plish­ments before say­ing the 2017 may­oral race […]