Posted inParty Politics, Public Service

House Speaker Tom Foley: 1929–2013

This morn­ing, we lost a leg­end in Wash­ing­ton and U.S. pol­i­tics. Tom Foley, who served the Ever­green State with dis­tinc­tion in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives for sev­er­al decades, died of com­pli­ca­tions from mul­ti­ple strokes in the ear­ly hours of the day today, his fam­i­ly has announced. He was eighty-four. Foley, the last Demo­c­rat to represent […]

Posted inBreaking News

Scott White: 1970–2011

Trag­ic news from Roslyn tonight: State Sen­a­tor Scott White, who has capa­bly rep­re­sent­ed Seat­tle’s 46th Dis­trict in the state Leg­is­la­ture since the begin­ning of 2009, was found dead in his room at the Sun­ca­dia Resort after house­keep­ing staff noticed that he had failed to check out. The cause of death is cur­rent­ly unknown, but it may […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Al Rosellini: 1910–2011

Gov­er­nor Albert D. Roselli­ni, who served as Wash­ing­ton State’s chief exec­u­tive in the late 1950s and ear­ly 1960s, died today from com­pli­ca­tions of pneu­mo­nia, his fam­i­ly announced today. He was a hun­dred and one years old. Since leav­ing office at the end of 1964, Roselli­ni has been a friend and men­tor to gen­er­a­tions of Demo­c­ra­t­ic leaders. […]

Posted inBreaking News

Steve Jobs: 1955–2011

Steve Jobs, the bril­liant entre­pre­neur and vision­ary who cofound­ed Apple at the age of twen­­ty-one and lat­er res­cued it when it seemed on the brink of col­lapse, died today, the com­pa­ny announced. He was fifty-six. “Apple has lost a vision­ary and cre­ative genius, and the world has lost an amaz­ing human being. Those of us who […]