Posted inElections, Events, Live Coverage

LIVE from Detroit: Making smart investments to build progressive power in 2014 & beyond

Good morn­ing from Detroit! Today marks the first day of Net­roots Nation, the ninth annu­al gath­er­ing of pro­gres­sive activists from across the Unit­ed States and beyond, which NPI has been send­ing staff and board mem­bers to for its entire his­to­ry. Three of us are here on NPI’s behalf and com­mit­ted to bring­ing you live coverage […]

Posted inElections

New England states called for Barack Obama; some southern states called for Mitt Romney

As expect­ed, Barack Oba­ma is pro­ject­ed to win in Mass­a­chu­setts, Con­necti­cut, Maine, Rhode Island, Delaware, and the Dis­trict of Colum­bia. Wins in those states, plus Ver­mont and his home state of Illi­nois (which he is also pro­ject­ed to win), would give Oba­ma a total of six­ty elec­toral votes. Mitt Rom­ney has picked up South Car­oli­na, Georgia, […]

Posted inBreaking News, Elections

Olympia Snowe to retire; Republican hopes of taking over the U.S. Senate take a hit

Big news out of the Pine Tree State this after­noon: Olympia Snowe, one of Maine’s two incum­bent Repub­li­can sen­a­tors, has announced that she has decid­ed not to seek reelec­tion in 2012, cit­ing a desire to be free of the par­ti­san ran­cor that per­vades Capi­tol Hill these days. Her deci­sion to retire could have a profound […]