Posted inBreaking News, Elections

Ed Markey, Gabriel Gomez have early leads in Massachusetts’ U.S. Senate special primary

Vot­ing in Mass­a­chu­setts’ spe­cial elec­tion to deter­mine who will rep­re­sent the Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Repub­li­can par­ties in the race to suc­ceed Sen­a­tor John Ker­ry has end­ed, and the results are begin­ning to trick­le in. As of just before 5:45 PM Pacif­ic, with around one-fourth of precincts report­ing, U.S. Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Ed Markey and for­mer Navy SEAL Gabriel Gomez […]

Posted inElections

Record number of Democratic women headed to U.S. Senate for 113th Congress

Exact­ly two decades after the 1992 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, some­times called the “year of the woman” or “year of the women”, the Amer­i­can peo­ple have made his­to­ry by elect­ing a record num­ber of female can­di­dates to the nation’s upper leg­isla­tive cham­ber. Near­ly all of them are Democ­rats. Vot­ers enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly reelect­ed Sen­a­tors Maria Cantwell of Wash­ing­ton, Kristen […]

Posted inElections

New England states called for Barack Obama; some southern states called for Mitt Romney

As expect­ed, Barack Oba­ma is pro­ject­ed to win in Mass­a­chu­setts, Con­necti­cut, Maine, Rhode Island, Delaware, and the Dis­trict of Colum­bia. Wins in those states, plus Ver­mont and his home state of Illi­nois (which he is also pro­ject­ed to win), would give Oba­ma a total of six­ty elec­toral votes. Mitt Rom­ney has picked up South Car­oli­na, Georgia, […]

Posted inElections

Elizabeth Warren to make Massachusetts U.S. Senate bid official tomorrow

Con­sumer advo­cate and bank­rupt­cy expert Eliz­a­beth War­ren, who recent­ly formed an explorato­ry com­mit­tee to con­sid­er a U.S. Sen­ate bid in Mass­a­chu­setts, has decid­ed to make her can­di­da­cy offi­cial, accord­ing to a spokesper­son. War­ren will for­mal­ly announce that she’s run­ning tomor­row in com­mu­ni­ties across the Com­mon­wealth. Her cam­paign says stops are planned in Boston, New Bedford, […]

Posted inElections

Elizabeth Warren forms exploratory committee to consider U.S. Senate bid

In a move that is sure to bright­en the spir­its of pro­gres­sives across the Unit­ed States, con­sumer pro­tec­tion advo­cate and respect­ed law pro­fes­sor Eliz­a­beth War­ren has announced that she is form­ing an explorato­ry com­mit­tee to con­sid­er run­ning for U.S. Sen­ate in Mass­a­chu­setts as a Demo­c­rat: “I think this was always part of the plan,” said […]